TheExodus wrote:
You can't be yourself, either. I saw somebody vehemently defend it by saying that Metacritic was plagued by "trolls", because last I checked it had something like a 5.4 / 10 average user score. It's a fun game, but so severely chocked with flaws.
Anyway, as I said at the beginning here; you can't actually be your own kind of character. They're voiced, scripted, have a background story and motives that don't let you feel like you can actually "create" a character beyond superficiality of visuals and some hollow stats. I'm actually quite a big fan of Fallout behind not actually playing the first two, so this game was a disappointment.
Roleplaying is a major letdown, but my biggest gripe? Boring. Environment. It is not by any stretch of the imagination akin to the Capital Wasteland. It's too colourful, it's not dismal, it's not creepy or scary, it's not inspiring, it doesn't make you want to explore because it is just so boring.
That being said, I still liked it to a degree. Some of the characters are quite fun and interesting. The construction mechanic seems entirely tacked on, though. I haven't built a single thing throughout my near ten hours of playing so far. I like the vaults as well. I thought they would've been gone save for Vault 111, but like I said before they may as well have been gone because they're not creepy or disturbing. That's really what made Fallout 3.
I suppose we just have to accept it for what it is. It's slightly above mediocre for me. I know there are many other people who highly appraise it though, which is great, but it's nothing like the third game for me.
No matter what character build you choose, you are still playing the same character with the same backstory as anyone else.
Fallout would be better if the character creation offered you the chance to choose your race, to play as a Ghoul or Super mutant with a unique backstory and perspective.
I am considering a second play through with only luck, charisma and perspective to make the game more interesting.