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09 Dec 2015, 10:06 am

Dox47 wrote:
staremaster wrote:
^^ Its a catch-22; you need good stats and gear to survive the ghouls and open the locks. That riot shotgun is a true game-changer, though. Honest Hearts provides some good hardware for completing it, too.

You're thinking of Vault 34 in New Vegas, he's talking about a particular weapon that can be bought fairly early in Fallout 4 at Vault 81, a two shot combat rifle that can get you through the whole game. Incidentally, if I were from a vault, I'd definitely be from 34.

Oh OK, my mistake.


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09 Dec 2015, 10:55 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
staremaster wrote:
Something that bothers me about the newer games is the level-scaled loot: "Your character is low level, therefore all weapons and equipment you can get will be crap."

I heard you can find the power armor right near the beginning of the game, though >_<

Yeah, you can find power armor EVERYWHERE in the Commonwealth. Even the raiders have it. As an offset, it does require fuel now--but that's pretty common too.

I've got several complete sets with custom paint collecting dust in my shop/warehouse right now.
I've got T-45, T-60, Raider Armor, and X-01 (Enclave) armor.
The only type I don't have is the classic T-51.

As far as that combat rifle from vault 81 goes--it is stupidly overpowered. With upgrades and the right perks, you can easily take out a deathclaw in a single VATS round... :roll:

I usually just stick to my trusty .38 auto pipe pistol. 8)

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09 Dec 2015, 2:50 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
As far as that combat rifle from vault 81 goes--it is stupidly overpowered. With upgrades and the right perks, you can easily take out a deathclaw in a single VATS round... :roll:

... Well, that's really not that impressive considering it's possible to one-hit-kill a deathclaw... with a knife. :twisted:

Rooted + Ninja + Blitz = Don't they know it's the end of the world???


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11 Dec 2015, 2:05 am

GGPViper wrote:
... Well, that's really not that impressive considering it's possible to one-hit-kill a deathclaw... with a knife. :twisted:

Rooted + Ninja + Blitz = Don't they know it's the end of the world???

Heh, reminds me of fatally stabbing dragons in the tail in Skyrim with the 30x backstab damage setup...

I used a silenced Gauss rifle paired with Ninja, Mister Sandman, and Deacon's perk for my one shot deathclaw solution, I could do mirelurk queens and top level supermutants if I added calmex to the equation.

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11 Dec 2015, 2:10 am

GoonSquad wrote:
As far as that combat rifle from vault 81 goes--it is stupidly overpowered.

The most overpowered thing I've found so far has been a combat shotgun with the explosive effect, it seems to calculate the bonus damage per projectile, so the sucker just insta-gibs practically anything I hit with it. Unfortunately, the thing was damn near unusable due to the splash damage, since shooting anyone at close range, or hitting an obstruction near me, was often crippling and usually fatal. It was pretty funny to shoot Brotherhood paladins and break *every piece of power armor they were wearing in one shot though, I *may* have massacred everyone on the Prydwynn with this weapon one time. :D

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27 Jan 2016, 10:03 am

I agree that Bethesda has gone more action adventure than RPG and this game had much less black humour, but not with character development. Fallout 4 has better companions than Bethesda has ever done before.


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27 Jan 2016, 12:03 pm

I was alarmed to learn(from youtube vids) that not only can Dogmeat not die, he has an inventory system as well, and can invisibly carry hundreds of pounds of crap. I think I'll be skipping this installment.

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27 Jan 2016, 8:34 pm

You can't be yourself, either. I saw somebody vehemently defend it by saying that Metacritic was plagued by "trolls", because last I checked it had something like a 5.4 / 10 average user score. It's a fun game, but so severely chocked with flaws.

Anyway, as I said at the beginning here; you can't actually be your own kind of character. They're voiced, scripted, have a background story and motives that don't let you feel like you can actually "create" a character beyond superficiality of visuals and some hollow stats. I'm actually quite a big fan of Fallout behind not actually playing the first two, so this game was a disappointment.

Roleplaying is a major letdown, but my biggest gripe? Boring. Environment. It is not by any stretch of the imagination akin to the Capital Wasteland. It's too colourful, it's not dismal, it's not creepy or scary, it's not inspiring, it doesn't make you want to explore because it is just so boring.

That being said, I still liked it to a degree. Some of the characters are quite fun and interesting. The construction mechanic seems entirely tacked on, though. I haven't built a single thing throughout my near ten hours of playing so far. I like the vaults as well. I thought they would've been gone save for Vault 111, but like I said before they may as well have been gone because they're not creepy or disturbing. That's really what made Fallout 3.

I suppose we just have to accept it for what it is. It's slightly above mediocre for me. I know there are many other people who highly appraise it though, which is great, but it's nothing like the third game for me.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Jan 2016, 4:33 am

Hollow? I've put 100 hours into the game and it feels like I haven't scratched the surface. My issue with Fallout 3 is that it was too hollow. I did literally everything you could do in the game and it took fifty hours. Sure, the quests were longer and had black humour, but Fallout 3 had awful companions and the environment was copy and paste. This is more realistic, being two hundred years after the war. The environment is supposed to look greener, like in Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas. 3 got the environment so wrong.


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01 Feb 2016, 2:24 am

GGPViper wrote:
Rooted + Ninja + Blitz = Don't they know it's the end of the world???

Throw in Bloody Mess and it's Fist of the North Star when you use modded knuckles. People blow up when you punch them.

Anyway, the main thing I don't like is that the landscape is too...marshy. Since I'm an old fag with Fallout, I always see it as, Fallout nukes equaling a perpetual desert anywhere they hit. Yeah, I know they were in Nevada and other areas that are already desolate, but I saw that the world was like that now.


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04 Feb 2016, 5:09 am


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07 Feb 2016, 3:43 am

TheExodus wrote:
You can't be yourself, either. I saw somebody vehemently defend it by saying that Metacritic was plagued by "trolls", because last I checked it had something like a 5.4 / 10 average user score. It's a fun game, but so severely chocked with flaws.

Anyway, as I said at the beginning here; you can't actually be your own kind of character. They're voiced, scripted, have a background story and motives that don't let you feel like you can actually "create" a character beyond superficiality of visuals and some hollow stats. I'm actually quite a big fan of Fallout behind not actually playing the first two, so this game was a disappointment.

Roleplaying is a major letdown, but my biggest gripe? Boring. Environment. It is not by any stretch of the imagination akin to the Capital Wasteland. It's too colourful, it's not dismal, it's not creepy or scary, it's not inspiring, it doesn't make you want to explore because it is just so boring.

That being said, I still liked it to a degree. Some of the characters are quite fun and interesting. The construction mechanic seems entirely tacked on, though. I haven't built a single thing throughout my near ten hours of playing so far. I like the vaults as well. I thought they would've been gone save for Vault 111, but like I said before they may as well have been gone because they're not creepy or disturbing. That's really what made Fallout 3.

I suppose we just have to accept it for what it is. It's slightly above mediocre for me. I know there are many other people who highly appraise it though, which is great, but it's nothing like the third game for me.

No matter what character build you choose, you are still playing the same character with the same backstory as anyone else.

Fallout would be better if the character creation offered you the chance to choose your race, to play as a Ghoul or Super mutant with a unique backstory and perspective.

I am considering a second play through with only luck, charisma and perspective to make the game more interesting.