My favorite game is either Super Mario Bros. 3 or The Legend of Zelda. They're one of the few games that I will play over and over again, and never really get tired of them (besides arcade games, which don't count because you never really beat them).
OregonBecky wrote:
NES is Nintendo Entertainment System. I guess there an older version that had a robot but that doesn't count so don't start picking my claim about the NES being the original Nintendo game system.
No, the NES was the one that had a robot. Nintendo did have the Game & Watch games, and arcade machines before the NES, but NES was the first home console.
SkittlesMcBingBing wrote:
The Lion King was for Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo, unless some backwater NES port was also released--which movie companies did do quite often in those days.
I can't say off the top of my head if it was only released in PAL, or if it was only a prototype, but there is a Lion King for NES.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...