The only game I play is World of Warcraft, not using any voice systems so the worst shouting is over typed chat. Luckily I don't make many mistakes and I can fix other's faults quite well so they don't have an excuse to start nerdraging against me. (Sincerely not being arrogant with this, but I avoid most mistakes). I must admit that I play on nice and friendly servers, that should make a huge difference aswell. But I have seen a lot of flaming towards new players, and players who are not too well at their job, like healing for instance.
By the way, going stark raving mad because of a silly game doesn't really sound like an NT thing to do to me
And also not like something anyone older than 15 would do. Or no. At 15 I was too mature to act like that. Maybe a lot more people than we currently think lack social insight!
I have met some really cool people ingame, more often than I've met as*holes. In my experience WoW is fine, looking at the players.
I might make some spelling mistakes as English is not my native language.