Games that disappointed you the most, name yours!

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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09 Oct 2009, 6:24 pm

diddy kong racing and wario master of disguise

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09 Oct 2009, 6:26 pm

Marko29 wrote:
diddy kong racing and wario master of disguise

Oh god was Diddy Kong Racing the most boring game ever or what? Especially against the final boss you had to fly PERFECTLY in order to even catch up with him, but once you did that you could beat him every time afterward in your sleep.

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10 Oct 2009, 12:12 pm

jamesohgoodie wrote:
As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get into Twilight Princess. It took what's standard for a Zelda game and spread it out way too wide. I mean, you're 10 hours in before the game starts getting REALLY good. Not to mention the boss battles were so easy they were insulting.

I enjoyed it, though I thought they tried a little too hard to duplicate what Ocarina of Time did (I'm really much more a fan of the 2D games). I didn't like it as much as Wind Waker, but at least they tried to make it a little more difficult.

My biggest gripe though, the rupees. I really got tired of opening a chest, only to have Link say "Oh my pockets are full, I'll just put these back." There were a few shops, but I never once needed to buy anything from them, that I couldn't just smash a pot for. I ended up giving away all my money to the guy taking donations in town, and when that ran dry, I ended up just wearing the red armor for no reason, just to drain myself :roll:

samtoo wrote:
Star Wars Jedi Knight II, Jedi Outcast: Average and dull, with no soul.

I really tried to like it, but the AI was terrible. I even tried putting the game on the hardest setting...not only was the AI still awful, but now you only have half the HP you would've had before :x Oh well, certainly not the worst $2 I ever spent.

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10 Oct 2009, 12:35 pm

I didn't even buy Twilight Princess. That's how dissappointed I was. Since Miyamoto stopped directing zelda games they've been going downhill.

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11 Oct 2009, 2:42 am

Doom 3. It made such a laboured attempt to be 'scary' that really failed utterly. The tendency of demons to suddenly teleport in out of nowhere, I must admit was slightly cool the first three or four times it happened. But it got just a little old after it happened for about five hundred rooms in a row. Having demons teleport in for no reason in every single room isn't scary, it's just plain annoying. They just seemed to have one trick that they used over and over again, one that would have been good as an occasional surprise, but is utterly ruined when you expect it all the time, every time you enter a new area it's a matter of thinking, "where are these annoying demons going to teleport to this time?". When I played it, I just found myself saving the game every time I entered a new area, because it really annoyed me how it was just inevitable that you would always be unfairly mauled by a threat that you could do nothing to prevent or anticipate.


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11 Oct 2009, 5:39 am

Biggest disappointment for me was Warhammer Online. The end game didnt turn out as great as everyone expected. Most of the time i would be grinding pvp arena's, and for Realm vs Realm we would take the path of least resistance, so taking over castle's with no defenders, that was boring. Sometimes there was so many players on the screen it was like a slideshow :x.

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15 Oct 2009, 12:19 pm

AtomicKaiju wrote:
I'd have to say TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass. Mostly because the Temple of the Ocean King (or whatever it's called) was a huge pain in the butt. You had to go back to it every time you completed a dungeon, it was always under a time limit, and it just wasn't that fun to explore. It's because of that stupid temple that I have yet to beat the game.

QFT, all of it. I still have not finished my game because of that. And I did like the game... But I hate time limits, especially time limits inside a boring dungeon that has to be beaten repeatedly.

Another very disappointing game was TMNT for the Nintendo DS. I'd like to say that's because I was expecting a beat'em up like the old Turtles games, but it just seemed too boring and pointless. I do like rhythm games, but this one wasn't good as a rhythm game, either...


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15 Oct 2009, 2:59 pm

jamesohgoodie wrote:
As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get into Twilight Princess. It took what's standard for a Zelda game and spread it out way too wide. I mean, you're 10 hours in before the game starts getting REALLY good. Not to mention the boss battles were so easy they were insulting. And bringing in Ganon halfway was a lame plot twist. Either have him right at the beginning or don't have him at all. I still haven't finished it because the game felt like work, not fun (hell Wind Waker was more fun, and I never thought I'd say that).

I was also really disappointed by Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I LOVED Sands of Time and couldn't wait to play the sequel, but it just took everything I liked and made it annoying. The angsty take on the Prince was cliched (making the dialogue wretched), the levels were repetitive and the constant back-tracking confused me (a clear sign they rushed development), and the constant metal soundtrack had me muting the TV.

I agree with you 100% on Warrior Within. Sadness. ):

I don't think I'd be that hard on Twilight Princess - I think i liked it more than you did. I thought some of the twists were good. I like having different "Big bad guys" in games, but I feel that, as it is a Zelda game, 3 characters are obvious givens: a Link, a Zelda, and a Ganon. Of course you knew Ganon was gonna be in it eventually - he's kind of a staple character in the series. But if they had brought him in from the beginning, the plot wouldn't have been as unique. It would just be, "oh, look. There's Ganon. He's the bad guy... better go through some dungeons and then hop to that castle of his to smack him around." Kinda predictable.
I like it when there's a different main baddie. Switches things up, you know. (:

But I didn't get as invested in it as I did the other Zelda games.
When I returned to real life after playing for a few hours, I was never really that anxious to get back to it. It was fun but - gah. I can't really put into words why I didn't get as 'into it' as I did other Zelda games.

Also, I agree that the bosses were too easy. I was only a little bit disappointed with LoZ:TP. Overall, it was fun. Good characters, kinda weird looking faces, but I liked the setting and plot a ton. Hyrule Field was kind of AMAZING. The Twilight realm was wonderfully epic too. And Midna was great. Wolf form was cool too. XD


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15 Oct 2009, 6:54 pm

FUEL: I was hoping for a decent racing game in a massive world, but the actual game was rather boring, and when I tried to play online, it couldn't find any servers.

I traded it in for DIRT 2.

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15 Oct 2009, 7:10 pm

Arcanyn wrote:
Doom 3. It made such a laboured attempt to be 'scary' that really failed utterly. The tendency of demons to suddenly teleport in out of nowhere, I must admit was slightly cool the first three or four times it happened. But it got just a little old after it happened for about five hundred rooms in a row. Having demons teleport in for no reason in every single room isn't scary, it's just plain annoying. They just seemed to have one trick that they used over and over again, one that would have been good as an occasional surprise, but is utterly ruined when you expect it all the time, every time you enter a new area it's a matter of thinking, "where are these annoying demons going to teleport to this time?". When I played it, I just found myself saving the game every time I entered a new area, because it really annoyed me how it was just inevitable that you would always be unfairly mauled by a threat that you could do nothing to prevent or anticipate.

Agreed. id Software is about making kick ass game engines, but generally, their games are lacking.


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15 Oct 2009, 11:20 pm

Saint's Row 2 for the PC. I am getting the Xbox 360 version because of this shoddy port. It lags very badly on my computer (which runs Fallout 3 at 30 FPS on 1600x1080 I think), the game froze on startup if I have my PS2 to PC adapter plugged in, and the driving was really awful.

GTA 4 for the Xbox 360. This game was overhyped and it disappointed me greatly with one boring mission after another and the lack of fun activitys. It just feels like it has no soul compared to San Andreas. Just "pretty graphics" which I found to be pretty drab also. And I want to kill Niko for apologizing every time I run over a pedestrian (intentionally). I am not looking forward to GTA 5 after this next-gen poop.

Fallout 3 for PC. I did finish the game, but I didn't feel very compelled to buy the expansion packs. I felt the game progression was generic and linear in an open world, with only two possible endings that no matter what you did throughout the game, both would be possible. The combat was frustrating, along with the limited ammo and degrading (and breaking) weapons. And no vehicles! This game is mediocre in my opinion. At least my computer was up to the task of rendering this game on my monitor at max resolution.

I haven't found a game I loved in forever. :(

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16 Oct 2009, 1:00 pm

kaworuchan42 wrote:
The worst game I ever encountered was the 360 incarnation of Sonic the Hedgehog - but I had such low hopes for that game to begin with that I seriously cannot call it a disappointment. That series went seriously downhill after the Genesis died.

A lot of people are forgetting about the Dreamcast. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were great and THEN the series went downhill.


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16 Oct 2009, 1:49 pm

Bullzeye wrote:
A lot of people are forgetting about the Dreamcast. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were great and THEN the series went downhill.

Some of us have played the Dreamcast ones and felt they weren't quite as good as the Genesis games :wink:

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Oct 2009, 11:36 pm

Patapon for PSP and also Perfect Dark for Xbox360, although i do say i didn't expect much out of them to begin with..


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23 Oct 2009, 1:13 am

Meow333 wrote:
Patapon for PSP

I actually liked Patapon more than most of the other games for the PSP. I have played the sequel as well. Although I don't think it's worse than the first, I stop playing it because I just grew out of the Patapon series.


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23 Oct 2009, 10:21 pm