jamesohgoodie wrote:
As hard as I tried, I just couldn't get into Twilight Princess. It took what's standard for a Zelda game and spread it out way too wide. I mean, you're 10 hours in before the game starts getting REALLY good. Not to mention the boss battles were so easy they were insulting. And bringing in Ganon halfway was a lame plot twist. Either have him right at the beginning or don't have him at all. I still haven't finished it because the game felt like work, not fun (hell Wind Waker was more fun, and I never thought I'd say that).
I was also really disappointed by Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I LOVED Sands of Time and couldn't wait to play the sequel, but it just took everything I liked and made it annoying. The angsty take on the Prince was cliched (making the dialogue wretched), the levels were repetitive and the constant back-tracking confused me (a clear sign they rushed development), and the constant metal soundtrack had me muting the TV.
I agree with you 100% on Warrior Within. Sadness. ):
I don't think I'd be that hard on Twilight Princess - I think i liked it more than you did. I thought some of the twists were good. I like having different "Big bad guys" in games, but I feel that, as it is a Zelda game, 3 characters are obvious givens: a Link, a Zelda, and a Ganon. Of course you knew Ganon was gonna be in it eventually - he's kind of a staple character in the series. But if they had brought him in from the beginning, the plot wouldn't have been as unique. It would just be, "oh, look. There's Ganon. He's the bad guy... better go through some dungeons and then hop to that castle of his to smack him around." Kinda predictable.
I like it when there's a different main baddie. Switches things up, you know. (:
But I didn't get as invested in it as I did the other Zelda games.
When I returned to real life after playing for a few hours, I was never really that anxious to get back to it. It was fun but - gah. I can't really put into words why I didn't get as 'into it' as I did other Zelda games.
Also, I agree that the bosses were too easy. I was only a little bit disappointed with LoZ:TP. Overall, it was fun. Good characters, kinda weird looking faces, but I liked the setting and plot a ton. Hyrule Field was kind of AMAZING. The Twilight realm was wonderfully epic too. And Midna was great. Wolf form was cool too. XD