I've been playing them since 2, and NV is my favorite of the series. Aside from the weapon modding and ammo construction stuff, which I naturally gravitate to as I can do them in real life, I love having truly hateable villains like Caesar or Cook-Cook. I'd usually kneecap the latter and beat him to death with a shovel or some other painful looking implement, while the former I preferred to blow up by stuffing C4 bricks under his throne. I managed to fling him clean out of the world a few times that way, it never got any less funny. I also had to laugh at some of the NPC dialogue that was particularly bone headed, like when I walked into Motor Runner's chamber, closed the door, popped him with a silenced pistol, and had an NPC imediately exclaim as I was walking out "hey, did you hear someone killed Motor Runner?". Yeah, I heard that... Needless to say, I played that game pretty grey, wandering the wastes murdering the wicked. I feel like I personally denuded the whole Mojave of Legion, Fiends, and other unsavory types over the course of my playthroughs.
Silenced sniper rifle totally breaks the game, but man is it satisfying to use after being terrorized by Deathclaw at lower levels. That's always been one of my favorite parts of Fallout games, when you cross the threshold from having to avoid certain enemies to actively hunting them; payback is a b***h!
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez