ZX_SpectrumDisorder wrote:
Yeah, God Hand was the game that cost Shinji Mikami, Inaba Atsushi and Clover Team their jobs with Capcom. They were given free reign to produce a game, they came up with God Hand and it flopped. They were told their personal tastes were too 'hardcore' and told to reign it in and their teams were broken up and redistributed throughout Capcom. Rather than follow Capcom's orders, they quit and formed Platinum Games.
I had Binary Domian from Love Film and returned it. It's OK, I just don't have time for anything that doesn't grab me. My game time lately has been divided between Dark Souls and a bunch of 2D shooters. I've got Yakuza Dead Souls. I've been a fan of the Yakuza series, but I'm growing really tired of it. I'm beginning to not be able to see past their clunkiness. I thought Binary Domain was a bit clunky too, to be honest.
Ah I see, that's a shame really as that is what they are known for!
I have Okami and Viewtiuful Joe which are good games but I still need to complete them.
Fair enough, as it isn't for everyone, but I hear it plays smoother then Dead Souls (ironically comes out two weeks AFTER).
I have only played 3 so I don't know how the controls are, but from what I have played they seemed alright to me. I am not so good at fast reflexes anyhow.
I think Vanquish was a good game too, but the controls for that game are definitely more arcady then anything Binary Domain does.
May as well rate the Platinum/Clover games in order then to keep on topic.
1. Vanquish
2. Viewtuful Joe
2. Bayonetta
3. MadWorld
4. Okami
Just a guy who gives advice and talks a lot.