Miharu wrote:
Everything this sexy brilliant beast has ever said. ;p
Ahhh, gotta love Godot. :> He just wins.
"Godot: ... You did it. Didn't you?
Ron: Yes.
Phoenix: What?
Ron: Uh... (realize his mistake) No no no no no no no! Th-Th-Th-That's not true!
Judge: Hmm... For a moment there I thought we'd set the record for the shortest trial ever.
Maya: *sigh* Well, Mr.DeLite already looks plenty guilty with that face he's making...
Phoenix: And once he opens his big mouth he'll probably put the last nail his own coffin. "
More awesomness this way ->
http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ace_Attorney#Godot (spoilers inside, enter at your own risk!)