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21 Mar 2012, 12:41 pm

That's the best Lulu game I've seen so far. :lol:
Most of the Lulus I've seen are inexperienced with support, probably, so they have no idea what they're doing and then feed like crazy. And I'm playing with some Level 30s. (I'm one game from Level 29 myself.)


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21 Mar 2012, 12:45 pm

A WrongPlanet ranked team would be really interesting...


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21 Mar 2012, 6:26 pm

Man I've been wanting to get into this lately. Thing is, I already got a bunch of other games I haven't played yet. Also, I fear not being able to get into it if I try. I usually enjoy games that require more thought, but they also take more time to learn, so you feel like you're wasting time if you don't play the game.


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22 Mar 2012, 12:13 pm

Kein_Mitleid wrote:
Man I've been wanting to get into this lately. Thing is, I already got a bunch of other games I haven't played yet. Also, I fear not being able to get into it if I try. I usually enjoy games that require more thought, but they also take more time to learn, so you feel like you're wasting time if you don't play the game.

LoL requires more thought and takes awhile to learn. Also, it's free, so you don't lose anything if you realize you don't like it. (camelCase said something like that earlier.) It isn't a game you "beat" either, unless you count achieving the highest level as "beating" the game. (Level 30.)
In my case, I'm about 1/5 of my way into Level 29. So quite close to Level 30. I have a feeling I won't play quite as much once I get there; I just really want to get there and be able to say, "Yaaay Level 30." lol


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22 Mar 2012, 12:52 pm

Well, being lv 30 is not a big difference from being liv 29 in terms of in-game strenght, just a quintessence spot and a mastery point. You get to play in ranked though, and you can vote in the tribunal.

Lv 20 is a bigger change in my opinion, you can buy tier 3 runes, which are the ones worth investing in.

We should play sometime if we find each other connected at the same time :D


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22 Mar 2012, 10:05 pm

Shatbat wrote:
We should play sometime if we find each other connected at the same time :D

Definitely! Seeing as the school year is almost ending, I'm going to find myself unable to play as much as I used to. I want to get to Level 30 then take a break and put more energy into school.


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24 Mar 2012, 5:02 pm

Yay, Level 30.


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09 Apr 2012, 9:31 pm

Bumpity bump.


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11 Apr 2012, 12:16 am

I am lvl 30. I usually play Amumu and Zilean. My name is Grim Deity. Add me if you like.

I mostly come out at night... Mostly.


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12 Apr 2012, 8:35 pm

Wanted to share this comic

Comic =D

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill

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15 Apr 2012, 8:08 am

@Shatbat : Lol'd. =D The community is the worse part of the game...
Plus I always wondered why they don't make a better matchmaking so you can say "I'm support, I play in bot, let me do that and don't force me to go jungle while I don't even know how to play a jungler...", games would probably have a lot of better players in laning phase and we could stop this ridiculous "your fault, nah your fault...". =/

I'm level 23 on EUW. I was playing mid & top with Morgana/Anivia/Akali (not a lot of champ... tier 3 runes ftw, 16k to make one page...) until a few days ago. I tried and trained support as Janna with an AD carry friend and I find it really fun, even if, as a new support, I've a hard time timing wards, using CV to follow the jungler and to make an "offensive" ult (flash + knocking back the ennemy to the tower, even with smartcast I'm not fast enough or he's too close and I fail my ult...).

I play very agressively and I'm looking for other supports with some aggresive potential. Nunu and Blitzcrank are some pretty interesting champs IMO. Did anybody played with them as support ?


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17 Apr 2012, 11:20 pm

Wow support! That's me all the way.
Janna was my first champ ever, and the one I call my "main", so I can get all those issues. Flash ult is a very important skill to have, if you have a high ping it makes it harder though, and sometimes they'll move to one sie just a bit an screw it up. Using CV to follow the jungler is not as easy as it used to be, and they nerfed clairvoyance( Cooldown increased to 70 seconds from 55 seconds, improved Clairvoyance increases duration by 2 seconds, down from 4 and no longer reduces the cooldown.) That's from the patch notes, and along with the new jungle where monsters respawn a lot faster, tracking the enemy jungler is much harder than it used to be, and requires mroe knowledge about jungling timers.

An about aggressive support... if you like Janna, you'll like Lulu too. Her Q is a good harass, her W gives you good CC or speeds someone up to catch up (or flee), her E let's you see in bushes an stealthers, and countless times I've won a 2 vs 2 fight in the lane with my r, giving my carry that extra bit of life needed to go on and deal more damage. But being aggressive depends on you as well, I've seen scary Sorakas an Sonas too, which are supposed to be more passive.

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill

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18 Apr 2012, 4:32 am

"Flash ult is a very important skill to have, if you have a high ping it makes it harder though, and sometimes they'll move to one sie just a bit an screw it up"

Well I've around 60 or 70 ms. Most player I see are between 40 and 80 so there's not much difference, though it can be annoying... I remember that moment when I flashed ult in front of the ennemies to save my carry... and they flashed in front on me just when I activated my ult so they could kill my carry... lol, epic fail. ~_~

I never played jungle, but I sometime play with a jungler so I try to use CV when I think the ennemy jungler is doing buffs, so I could give the timers and my jungler could counter-jungle, but it's not really easy since I don't exactly know when to do my CV on buffs. I know the timers, but I don't eactly know how much time it takes to go from blue to red for example, which is kinda annoying if I have to do CV.

I tried Lulu, but I don't really like her, I've a hard time playing with her CC and to manage the double way to activate her skills. The thing I really like with Janna is that one she has the control of the bushes, you don't know when she will do her tailwind ; it has a really good range and it appears Janna can't be seen unless the tailwind is "released" (atleast from what I've seen, they don't seem to see it ?) so it's an awesome way to harass the ennemies, even if they're at their tower. In fact I love the idea that if you have the bushes, they're permanently under pressure and they're hesitant to last hit, even at their towers ; I also prefer the CC given by the tailwind than the slow than Lulu.
Perhaps I'm just not trained enough to play well with her, but as a new support I think I should train my warding etc... before trying to play other types of support which are more difficult to play (for me). Plus she cost 6300... :'(

That's why I thought about Blitzcrank. If you have the control of the bushes, they will fear your Q... haha. :)

What's your runes with Janna ? I don't find anything good, except gold/10... maybe flat mana regen to harass and shield in early when I don't have much mana.

Also... funny action. :)


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18 Apr 2012, 5:09 am

I understand what you mean with Lulu, my first time with her I screwed up using her skills, I couldn't remember which button did what. I got better though. My ping is of 150 in a good day, with an average of 220. So... yeah, it sucks sometimes.

And by tailwind (Janna's passive, global movespeed buff) did you mean whirlwind? (her Q, tornado). Because it can be seen, and if they don't move out of the way it means they're bad =P. Still, I won't deny in some cases it's better than Lulu's, the longer range and the knockup that interrupts channeled abilities sure is great. What I like about Lulu's is that it deals more upfront damage, moves a bit faster, and if you cast E on another champ or another minion, your q will fire from there. I once got a kill by using e on an enemy champ, waiting until he was besides his lanemate (who was critically low) and glitterlancing from there. Having bush control is always great, with either champ.

Runes... I run flat magic pen reds for early game harass, flat mana regen yellows for... exactly what it says in the tin, and flat CDR blues (I would run scaling, but with masteries I have a grand total of 15% CDR at the beginning of the game, and with shurelya's 15% and ionian boot's 15% I actually end up over the 40% cap. Now that I think of it, I could replace these for flat AP for even better harass. Quintessences depend of your playstile. Gold/10 is not bad for a support, flat AP is useful for harassing, and the movespeed bonus ones don't hurt either.
I may try one day armor pen reds though, when I'm somehow Janna mid my preferred way to harass is shield + autoattack, and the runes would make that strategy much deadlier, especially because people in mid expect magic damage and get magic resist runes accordingly.

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill

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18 Apr 2012, 5:38 am

"I understand what you mean with Lulu, my first time with her I screwed up using her skills, I couldn't remember which button did what. I got better though. My ping is of 150 in a good day, with an average of 220. So... yeah, it sucks sometimes. "

Ouch. ._.
Did you already open the ports etc. to make your ping less high ?
The only time I played Lulu, the game was in english and it was my very first time with a support... totally lost, I couldn't remember what skill was doing what too... ._.
"And by tailwind (Janna's passive, global movespeed buff) did you mean whirlwind? (her Q, tornado). Because it can be seen, and if they don't move out of the way it means they're bad =P"

Oh, yes... sorry. x)

Well, I probably play agaisnt bad players then, but it's undurstandable... I mean, the Q can load for... 5 secs ?, you can't know exactly where and when Janna will send it and it's not stopped by creeps ; on the other hand, you have to last hit, you can't just go away every time you see the tornado... and it's exactily what is annoying for the opponents : you know you have to last hit, you think you will avoid the tornado, you fire a minion and... bam, too late, the tornado was too fast, too big. Hehe.

Gold/10 runes on yellow + quintessences + masteries = 7.5/10 sec, so 1350 at 30 minutes of game ; it could be pretty usefull if you don't have your stuff too early...
CDR could be cool, but if you have to build a Zeke when you have 2/3 ADs you'll hit the 40% with Ionian + Shurelya... I hate when I lost some percent at the end. >.< xD
Movespeed, well, given your MS bonus is reduced after 400 and 450 (absolutely not sure of the numbers, have to verify) and that you easily reach a high move speed with Janna, I think it could be somewhat lost.
AP, Janna has really good ratios, so it could be interesting, but I'm wondering if it makes a real change. It could be interesting in a team where you have a lot of AP so WotA will be even better if they don't do it.

I never tried to go mid with Janna. I find she don't exploit her power in this lane. I'm more confortable with Anivia when I have to go there, so I can do some pro walls like this one : ... BIsZrTkMc=


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18 Apr 2012, 5:54 am

Pro Anivia~

Janna is powerful in mid mainly because she's unexpected there. And... pairing that gp/5 you're getting with the 5 gp/5 I get with philo and heart of gold... wow. Have to try. Also, if I can time my tornado with the moment where my minions will be low enough to be last-hit... you just gave me a new idea there ^^.

AP Janna is ok, the thing is that most AP's have at least three amaging abilities that scale with AP for a better burst, and the very best of them (Swain, Brand, Cassiopea) have all four. Otherwise she's good, but her bigger shield/better ult will still be more useful as a support than as AP.

And about my ping, I live in South America, so that's probably it. Still, if there is a way to make LoL go faster, I got to try it. Time to go on the internet.

To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Winston Churchill