Both Saints Row The Third and GTA 4 disappointed me in their own ways. I was really looking forward to both.
I naively thought Saints Row The Third was going to be like SR2, but better. Biggest disappointments were finally tracking down a casino only to find out you couldn't play on anything, and the zombies. I don't mind zombies, when they're in a game about zombies, but when they're stuffed into any old game because they're trendy or something, then I have a problem with it. The broken bridges were annoying, too. Same for GTA 4, thought it was going to be like GTA: San Andreas but better, in terms of gameplay and side stuff. Overall though, I'd still have to go with GTA 4.
aussiebloke wrote:
It surprise me no one mentions Yakuza , easily on par with GTA and in many ways a superior game. At the risk of sounding like that 1999 angry gamer guy as in nothing good was made after that date it's gloriously old school some have said it's the spiritual successor of Shenmue . This is one of the few games that makes me feel like a proper gamer (it is from Japan so it's to be expected I suppose) I think Western developers can learn a lot from this game eg massive map doesn't = awsome or simple run of the mill gameplay can still be engrossing and fun (it's not a very hard game to master)
Yakuza is one of my top favourite games. The amount of effort put into Yakuza is seriously impressive. I've 100% completed the 3rd one and have finished the 4th. Looking forward to the next one. Kenzan is quite good also (only in Japanese though, as far as I'm aware).