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06 Aug 2013, 11:29 pm

Ok I wont explain why as I'm feeling lazy , go and talk to DR Google if you want to know why . :wink:

Deadly Premontion.

Eternal Sonata.

Dragons Dogma

Kane and Lynch 1 +2

Duke Nukem Forever (yes I'm serious)

Mirrors Edge

Serious Sam

Resonace of Fate

Doom 3 Bfg

Tomb Raider Anivesary (did not get the love it deserved) Legend sucked Underworld was ok, the current one is rubbish .

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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06 Aug 2013, 11:43 pm

KagamineLen wrote:
Catherine is one of the most underrated games to get released over the last couple of years. Those puzzles are insane.

yes how could I forget that one .

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07 Aug 2013, 12:00 am

EtotheC wrote:
Jet Set Radio

This one belongs on an overrated list, not underrated. I've never read a single review of it that wasn't extremely positive, but I found it insufferable because of the obnoxious time limit imposed on every level. What good are those gorgeous graphics and environments if you can't stop to admire the scenery and explore?

Everything's a frantic race against the clock. If you miss a jump that's high up on a rooftop, you may as well just quit the level and start all over again, because there's no way you're getting back up there in time. No game on the Dreamcast made me want to throw the controller through a window more. I was glad to hear that they dropped the time limit for Jet Set Radio Future, but alas, I never owned an Xbox.

SabbraCadabra wrote:
Volkmire wrote:
I also have to mention Castlevania: Rondo of Blood since it never came over here in North America.

It did finally come out as a semi-remake for the PSP not too long ago, but I've heard it's not quite as good as the original.

And technically, I guess it came out for Super Nintendo :x But let's not speak of that.

I don't think the PC Engine version of Rondo of Blood is underrated at all, considering how much praise it gets. It was underexposed for awhile due to the lack of an American release, but that's not the same thing as underrated. And anyway, it eventually got a release here with The Dracula X Chronicles.

The SNES version, on the other hand, I'd say is underrated. Critics and fans talk about it like it's the Batman & Robin of the series, but it isn't really a bad game at all on its own merits. Back in the mid-90s when nobody knew about the original version, there was a lot less complaining about it going on.


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07 Aug 2013, 12:02 am

Custom Robo
the Fire Emblem series
EarthBound ( still considered a cult me than means underrated )
Sin & Punishment series
Beyond Good & Evil
Rhythm Heaven
Fossil Fighters series
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
Dragon's Dogma
Eternal Sonata
Endless Ocean
Pandora's Tower
Starfy series
Kyle Hyde series ( Hotel Dusk and its unlocalized to NA sequel Last Window )
Trace Memory/Another Code
Warriors franchise ( Dynasty, Samurai, Orochi, etc )
Magical Starsign
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2

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07 Aug 2013, 12:16 am

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001)

When this came out, critics gave it their obligatory excellent reviews. But as time wore on, their discontent grew and they stopped being so polite about it. These days it seems to get nothing but scorn, and even the people who still like it tend to rank it as one of their least favorite games in the series.

I still think it's brilliant, both as a game and a story but especially as a commentary on what we expect of sequels. It's a huge middle finger to everyone who just wanted more of the same, and cried a river simply because they couldn't play as their beloved Snake. Raiden finds out that the Patriots are manipulating him into recreating the events of Metal Gear Solid, and that's a bad thing. Not many people seemed to have gotten the joke.

The reaction that so many people have had to the ending reminds me of the initial reaction that critics had to 2001: A Space Odyssey, which can be summed up as "I don't understand it, therefore it's stupid and bad." Hopefully time will bring people around, just as it did with 2001.

In a video game world filled with developers who pander to every fanboy desire, stuff like this is refreshing. I would probably rank Metal Gear Solid as a bit better overall, but you'll never hear me speaking of Sons of Liberty in hushed tones like so many others do. Kojima should be proud of it.


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07 Aug 2013, 4:58 pm

Do we have any Deadly Premontion fans around here ? I doubt it :wink:

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07 Aug 2013, 5:39 pm

As a long-time PC gamer, I've seen plenty of sleeper hits that never got the attention or ratings they deserved...

Ultima IX: Ascension
I was a huge Ultima fan, ever since playing Ultima IV on my Apple IIe computer as a kid. The finale of the series got horrible reviews because Origin Systems (the company that made the series) had been swallowed up by Electronic Arts and they pushed the game out prematurely and horribly buggy in order to get a Christmas release. Origin Systems was so devoted to its fans that they actually mailed out a free updated installation CD a couple months later to everyone who registered the game on their website after buying it. The resulting finished version of the game was much more playable, and like most Ultima games, a masterpiece that was well ahead of its time. The initial reviews of the nearly unplayable buggy shipped version of the game hurt it a lot though.

One Must Fall 2097
As a hardcore fighting game fan (which should be obvious to anyone who recognizes my avatar), I mainly kept my fightnig gaming to the arcades because PC fighting games were horrible. One Must Fall 2097 was a jaw-droppingly good exception. It was released as shareware, requiring you to order the full version of the game, and was never available in stores. It made this gem quite invisible and unnoticed unfortunately. A high-level fighting game with great character balance, tight controls, intricate combo system, mortal-kombat type fatalities, interactive arenas, tons of secret/hidden stuff, and various game modes, including a story campaign mode that throws in a remarkably well done RPG-type upgrade system. It's abandonware now, so feel free to download it if you want to give it a try (just remember to use DOSBox for it).

Wizardry 8
This one came out as its company SirTech was dying, and didn't receive much marketing as a result, going fairly unnoticed. It's the best game in the legendary series though in my opinion, and still has a big cult following. If you like classic hardcore first person RPGs, it doesn't get much better than this.

Old school platform game, sort of a Metroidvania style. Reminded me of Legend of Zelda 2 back in it's day, but I actually prefered this one. Download it here if you're interested, just remember to use DOSBox.

Cave Story
Despite recently getting an excellent translation to the Nintendo 3DS, this Japanese indie PC freeware game still hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. It's been called one of the best Metroidvania games ever made, and with good reason. Download it here.

The GG Shinobi II: The Silent Fury
Here's one I'll throw in that's not on PC, but actually on the Sega Game Gear. It's still one of the best platform games I've ever played, and the best 2D Shinobi game in my opinion. Being on the Game Gear it didn't get as much attention as it should have though. As it mentions on wiki: In 2011, ranked it as the 18th greatest handheld game of all time, adding "it was definitely one of the reasons we were Sega fanboys/fangirls back in the day. Why get a Game Boy when you could get THIS?"

Now that I look back over this list, some of these games I think probably did get some good reviews from the professionals (especially Cave Story, at least)... but I'd say none of these got the attention they deserved from the public in general. Ultima IX probably qualifies the best for the most strictly "underrated" category.


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08 Aug 2013, 2:55 pm

Bitoku wrote:
One Must Fall 2097

I have to agree with this one. In my opinion, OMF 2097 is not only underrated - I see it as the best fighting game ever made, and a lot of "The X Best Fighting Games Ever" rankings don't even mention it. I think this is the only fighting game that I ever bothered playing at the highest difficulty setting (in order to take down Fire & Ice). It also had many more customization options that contemporary fighting games, especially in tournament mode. Too bad the coolest looking bot in the game (Shadow) was also the crappiest. I probably got flawless victories 9 out 10 times while fighting this guy (including Ice, who - unlike Fire Katana - was a complete pushover).

And Shredder's combos were *brutal* (=instant kill potential) in rehit mode. Flip Kick + 1,987,048,114,557 hits in succession = Flawless victory. Makes the pitiful "10 hit" combos in Tekken look like a an argument about porridge in a nursing home.

Ahh, nostalgia... How it warms my heart.

Only one problem with this game... The cover:

Everyone who has ever played this game will know that it will be a cold day in Hell before a Shredder loses to a Nova.

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08 Aug 2013, 4:01 pm

GGPViper wrote:
I have to agree with this one. In my opinion, OMF 2097 is not only underrated - I see it as the best fighting game ever made, and a lot of "The X Best Fighting Games Ever" rankings don't even mention it.

I wouldn't say it's the absolute best fightnig game ever made (call me traditionalist, but some of Capcom's stuff is hard to beat... especially the Street Fighter 3 series), but I would probably say it's in the top 10. And easily the #1 best fighting game native to the PC.

I think this is the only fighting game that I ever bothered playing at the highest difficulty setting (in order to take down Fire & Ice).

Yeah, I played the game so much I ended up being able to perfect Fire and Ice with most bots.

It also had many more customization options that contemporary fighting games, especially in tournament mode. Too bad the coolest looking bot in the game (Shadow) was also the crappiest. I probably got flawless victories 9 out 10 times while fighting this guy (including Ice, who - unlike Fire Katana - was a complete pushover).

Ironically, Shadow is the one and I believe only bot that has a true infinite combo. There's other infinties when some bots get their speed boosted enough in tournament mode, but I wouldn't call those natural infinites since they don't work in arcade mode (which you could consider the game's "pure" mode). Shadow can actually infinite in arcade mode though, which sort of counterbalances it's otherwise crappiness.

And Shredder's combos were *brutal* (=instant kill potential) in rehit mode. Flip Kick + 1,987,048,114,557 hits in succession = Flawless victory. Makes the pitiful "10 hit" combos in Tekken look like a an argument about porridge in a nursing home. Everyone who has ever played this game will know that it will be a cold day in Hell before a Shredder loses to a Nova.

Yeah, Shredder was pretty brutal. Though there's a few others I considered stronger. My default bot was usually the Thorn, which could be nearly unstoppable due to its special attacks being nearly unpunishable when used right. It also did massive damage with its combos, nearly comparable to the Shredder's despite being way less hits. The Jaguar was also really, really good when used to its full potential, having excellent priority and massive damage potential at both close and medium range, and combo abilities nearly rivaling the Shredder.
I found it really ironic that the "end boss" Nova was actually one of the weakest bots in the game. It had almost no combo potential, and you could literally run circles around it with most other bots, even in arcade mode. :P

Only one problem with this game... The cover

Lol, I still have my original CD with that cover. It is admittedly kind of crappy artwork.
But actually an even bigger problem with the game was its sequel. Yes, they actually eventually did make one, called One Must Fall: Battlegrounds (which I also still have an original copy of). It did have some good qualities to it, and I appreciated its ambition, but it ended up seeming kind of sloppy and not nearly as tight as OMF:2097, and I got bored of it rather quickly.


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08 Aug 2013, 8:32 pm

Call of Duty 4

Gta 4 so wacky and over the top (just what we expect from a GTA game way to go R* !)

Red Dead Redpemntion, so much to do ,varied gameplay never gets dull.

La Noire as above , not at all a gimmick like the FMV games of the 90's

Gears of War 3 , this game innovates and challenges us oh yeah. baby.

Halo as above.

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09 Aug 2013, 4:46 pm

...I'm not quite sure you fully grasp the meaning of the word "underrated"...

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...


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09 Aug 2013, 5:14 pm

Hearts of Iron III

Aspie quiz: 158/200 AS AQ: 39 EQ: 17 SQ: 76.
You scored 124 aloof, 121 rigid and 95 pragmatic.

English is not my native language. 1000th edit, here I come.


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09 Aug 2013, 5:47 pm





Released back in 1996, this was probably the first FPS that had a compelling story (with three different endings) and character development. The world was free roaming like a modern RPG, you frequently had to rely on your wits rather than shoot everything that moves and it had a fairly gritty atmosphere that eventually caused you to genuinely hate the dictatorship you were up against--and what they had done to humanity. The game even featured cut scenes and full voice acting on any important character.

Strife did have two noticable flaws, though. The first flaw was that before you patched the game, you were limited to only one save game per player (so if you f-cked up something and had to reload a previous game, you were doomed); the second (and most significant) was that the game was based on a heavily modified Doom engine and was released shortly after Quake--thus being outdated technically before it hit the shelves.


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09 Aug 2013, 6:50 pm

VTM: Bloodlines (although the developers were somewhat at fault themselves for releasing such a bugged game).


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10 Aug 2013, 5:37 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
...I'm not quite sure you fully grasp the meaning of the word "underrated"...

I tease, I "hate" those =games everything wrong with games of today here. Though I am :| on GTA iv, I just wish R* would please the real gamers and remake GTA vice city how cool would that be?

I don't hold to much hope on V , I shall wait and see...

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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10 Aug 2013, 9:30 pm

aussiebloke wrote:
remake GTA vice city

Yes. Even just an HD re-release would be appreciated. Vice City is the only GTA game I've really been able to get into ( funny story: fist time actually playing it, I got arrested within less than 5 minutes of starting the game... ), and my PS2s decided they don't want to read my NEW copy of the game...

Ore Sanjou!