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02 May 2010, 5:51 pm

Currently playing a delightful RPG called "Din's Curse", though it is work related. Honest!

Emu Egg
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03 May 2010, 8:10 am

Well, mostly LOTR: BFME II Rise of the Witch King, and a little bit of Warcraft III.
Used to be hooked on Knights of the Old Republic II. xD

Blue Jay
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03 May 2010, 9:49 am

I'm waiting for the halo reach beta

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Not sure if I have it or not, + to lazy to get a diagnosis. (Nope not kidding.)


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17 May 2010, 5:18 am

still playing Unreal tournament 3.. trying to get to 150000kills.. few more weeks yet methinks


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17 May 2010, 5:28 am

I've gotten back into Diablo II, and am playing out some interesting little duos with a friend in multiplayer. 'Tis fun. ^^

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18 May 2010, 10:55 am

Final Fantasy VIII. Been a long time since I've played this. Thank you Sony for putting it on the pS3.


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18 May 2010, 11:46 am

Fehndrix wrote:
Final Fantasy VIII. Been a long time since I've played this. Thank you Sony for putting it on the pS3.

You're kidding! I fired up the playstation a while ago and I've been replaying this one for a few weeks now on and off. I'd forgotten how tough it was to obtain GF Bahamut...


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19 May 2010, 12:05 am

Magic: the Gathering


Snowy Owl
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19 May 2010, 2:01 am

PSN download of Suikoden on my PSP. It's been around 12 years since I last played, and although the translation is weak compared to today's standards (though not as bad as the botch job Konami did to Azure Dreams!), it's still a fun and unique game. I hope Suikoden II is made available on PSN someday, as I'm not paying $100 for a used copy!

The last game I finished was Lunar: Silver Star Harmony. I bought my PSP especially for it (two months after the game's release - I had the game on day one! :D), and the game was worth every second I waited, every penny I spent, and every moment I played. XSEED did an excellent job, and I'm hoping that the US sales were strong enough to give us a remake of Eternal Blue for the PSP!

Depending on when I finish Suikoden, the next game on my list will either be the PSN download of Wild Arms or Hexyz Force (if the reviews are good). Of course, I'm open to any JRPG suggestions for the PSP, as long as they aren't Final Fantasy-related. :P


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19 May 2010, 5:53 am

x_amount_of_words wrote:
Magic: the Gathering

Huzzah! *hi-fives you*

Do you happen to know of Magic Workstation? I like to play MTG online with it. ^^

Semi-colons are awesome; you are awesome if you use them.

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Sea Gull
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19 May 2010, 3:06 pm

Naruto: The Broken Bond

I've been meaning to buy it since it came out and I finally just got it. Not too far in yet, but I'm really enjoying it.

Seems very similar to Rise of Ninja though, so the huge gap I've had between games has probably been a good thing!


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19 May 2010, 3:11 pm

Baldur's Gate II, or more accurately the Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod (which allows to play the 3 Baldur's Gate without changing disc, with the same player character and using BG2 rules).

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19 May 2010, 3:12 pm

Splinter Cell: Conviction

I've never really been into the SC games but my friend put this on my computer and so I'm playing. It's not a bad game, pretty entertaining actually. It just doesn't really feel like a stealth game as I expected it to be. Most of time you still have to kill all the baddies to progress which often results in gunfights anyway. I'm trying to play it the way like I do in Thief but I find I still have to engage in combat a bit too often for my tastes.

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19 May 2010, 3:16 pm

I was playing GTA IV on the Xbox 360, but I just got the Red Ring of Death. Again. The Xbox 360 is not a very well-made console. I am now playing Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

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20 May 2010, 12:40 pm

Zara wrote:
It just doesn't really feel like a stealth game as I expected it to be. Most of time you still have to kill all the baddies to progress which often results in gunfights anyway. I'm trying to play it the way like I do in Thief but I find I still have to engage in combat a bit too often for my tastes.

Yeah, I've found that most "stealth" games rely far too much on combat.

I used to think I didn't like stealth games until I played Thief 2.

Hitman 3 (and possibly 2 and 4) are also pretty good once you figure out how to play them. It's really tempting to give in and just gun everybody down when you screw up a mission though...but if you can be patient, it's really cool to get Silent Assassin ratings across the board.

And in the case of 3, after you beat the game completely SA, they reward you by letting you do all the missions over...with...lots of extra guns :?


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20 May 2010, 10:12 pm

I have been playing Bayonetta which I recently got. It is pretty fun playing as the totally bad ass dark witch who could rival Dante from the Devil May Cry series, though instead of killing demons you kill angels. Which left me wondering "why am I killing angels?", though they are god ugly things that are vicious, zealots and at times disturbing.

I don't realy care for the sexual themes, though the action is cool, aswell as some good comedic moments. It is quite satasfactory to have a moment where you have been fighting some giant who's weapon is more then twice your height, then summon the head of a demonic dragon that makes the giant afraid and see said giant get chewed to pieces.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall