evo, its suprisingly fun. Aside from the occasional 85 coming and just being mean, you hardly ever get killed by higher levels. The areas from 1-20 (first 2 zones or so) are your side only, as in you are not flagged. On top of that, most towns will spawn lv 85 (85 pvp, 112k, high hitting) guards in high ammounts if it is a common target (Honor Hold, Thrallmar, ect) For the most part, its just a way to play the game it was meant to be played Alliance vs Horde vs NPC's. Also, it allows for the occasional retribution kill. I personally anniahlate anyone who has just stolen a pyrite or elementium vein while flying around Uldum... Sorry, lv 80 hordies, you should be here in your old wrath gear... No, flying away doesnt help, I have 40 yards to do 15k dps all over you in PvP gear, your 12k hp gets you about 10 yards to run... Its really fun, Ive talked to players on other realms, on both sides, and they all agree with me, leveling 1-85 on a PvP is an amazingly fun, unique exsperience. If you plan to play as some classes such as hunter or mage, who may need to eat hits in order to get to safety or to get out of stuns, I really recomend getting some epic PvP gear! If you dont want to put in the time for that, grav a few pieces of the ilvl 358 player crafted blue set, its a great start for begginers!