Shatbat wrote:
Wanted to share this comic
Comic =D
I had my first game in a long time the other day where the jungler cost us the game.
Jungle Shyvana.
I never like blaming it on one person, but that's just how it was... they f****d up the beginning, and it was just hell from that point.
The other team had a jungle Xin Zhao who obviously mained jungle... then our Shyvana was the last to pick in draft pick and we had all already requested positions, but we confirmed with the Shyv that they could do a decent job jungling. (S)he assured us.
I was solo top Garen against a Cho. I love going solo top Garen because of dat passive. Take too much damage? That's okay, just fall back a bit to the turret and CS and let that passive kick in. I usually build tanky Garen when I'm solo top, but Cho would obviously get more tanky... He killed me once because of stupidity on my part (it was one of those things where we both did massive damage to each other, but one person ends up immediately killing and the other one waits for a spell or ability or a minion to die...) I hadn't done enough damage for him to die and he got away before more minion aggro affected him.
Anyways, so our Shyv was being a s**t jungler; 10 min in and she's level 4. She tries to gank solo top for me when I'm level 9 or 10 and Cho is as well... not only that, but she has half health. So I'm like, "What the hell?" I don't get another gank because she's too busy trying to get XP in the jungle and catch up to Xin, who is consistently 4 or 5 levels ahead. (When he ganks, he doesn't let the lanes get the kill, which is kinda dumb on his part.)
So la-di-da-di-da... no ganks and we start to die because Xin is fed and provides pro ganks.
Surrender at 20.
And we were all level 30. I have decent ELO, and so does the person I was playing with.
I don't understand random matchmaking. I love playing with people I know, but unfortunately it's not always an option. (We were a group of 7 and me and the other guy duo queue'd while the others had a full team.)