Alrighty... lemme see here... in no particular order...
~ Beware the Ultimate Evil of Warlock (Megadrive)
I have no idea why my mother made me buy that game. It was so bad that I never trusted my mother on ANY matter again for the rest of time. I'm deadly serious.
~ Splinter Cell (XBox)
Overhyped. Underuseful. Boring, crawling and.... the moment I played it, I went on for about 15 minutes of suffering before boxing it and taking it back to the shop to trade in.
~ Ultima : Ascension (PC)
I don't know. I can't remember how we ended up with such a terrible game, but I knew within the first five minutes of playing it that I couldn't tolerate the controls, nor the apparent plot, nor anything about it. It was terrible on an epic scale.
~ Goldeneye (N64)
I have enacted dire retribution (usually involving burning of property) on people for just admitting to liking this game.... and a lot of idiots do. I enact a lot of retribution. It was a shite, overhyped game. FPS-wise, I'd rather play Doom... and I didn't much like Doom even. I'd DEFINITELY rather play Quake. The weapons were clumsy, the graphics weren't all that impressive, the gameplay was unnecessarily asinine... and the whole thing was PUBLICALLY BUTTRAPED TO HELL AND BACK. I really hate overhyped games.
But Goldeneye somehow beating Panzer Dragoon Saga (the greatest game ever made) in the first round of that damnable GameFAQs popularity contest was the straw that broke the camel's back. Some day, when I get the resources together... aside from completely destroying S*ny Computer Entertainment, I plan on eradicating ALL copies of this game from the face of the Earth.
~ Dead or Alive IV (XBox 360)
The only game disc I have ever actually snapped in two out of pure frustration... primarily because I couldn't get ANYWHERE in the game without relying soley on fluke. The characters spawn too close together, the combos are practically unbreakable once they get going, it takes very little to get beaten, and furthermore.... even on the easiest difficulty setting, the AI is totally merciless. THAT and in the training mode, one of those ninja guys had a combo move that was actually impossible to perform.
Well... now it is gone, and I never unlocked ANY achievements for it, and cannot remove the record of having played it from my console... so its name is lingering there as a blight upon my console.