Alright, let's see.... There's fat man Palmer from FF7... Heidegger and that annoying b*tch he's always with, Scarlet or what's her name -.- . FF8....Zell is ok, Selphie is goddamn annoying always going "woohoo!", Seifer is...ok... just a bit emo, Quistis is annoying but not to the point i'd wanna kil her, same with Rinoa (i swear you wanna kill her when you start having her though). i'll have to agree for Algus in FFT.... Tingle too.... Never saw the point of him. In FF9 i'd have to say.... most of the Moogles xcept Stilzkin, and Artemicion.... (they're always like "I want mail, kupo!" or "Let's save, kupo!" then they throw that big book....Plus that Mene is downright annoying, why should i have to freaking pay you to train my chocobo >< ). I agree with killing most of the chars in Naruto, they have no saving grace whatsoever! (xcept Rock lee and his teach, those guys are cool by me, Drunken fighting ftw! Wait...anything that's not close to Naruto or that appears seldomly deserves their spot instead of the main cast of characters )
What else.... -ponders- That'll be all for now =D