Irada wrote:
Well, the first DLC was supposed to be released today, but it seems that there's only been havoc and no DLC in sight. This is why I hate game developers using a middle man, especially when its Microsoft.
I have the game on PC now. Should have gotten on PC in the first place. Mods FTW. Hell, it's even easier to deal with the CTDs than the complete lockups on the console version. (Of course back then, my PC couldn't have run the game, but now it can.)
Anyway, I have heard people having a lot of problems with the Operation Anchorage expansion thus far. Mostly from the Games for Windows Live thing.
Haven't bothered to try and get it yet as I'm still just engrossed in the game proper with all the different mods I'm trying out. (Also haven't updated to latest yet since I've heard the 1.1 update can mess up save data and mods)
Current obsessions: Miatas, Investing
Currently playing: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Currently watching: SRW OG2: The Inspectors
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