Wow, this thread is still alive? I guess I must be doing *something* right!
Anyways, I just remembered another moment which got me a little misty: The scene in Final Fantasy X where Tidus finally met up with his father, Jecht, after ten years. You see, when Tidus started the journey, he absolutely despised his old man, because the latter was always talking down to the former. But as time went on, Tidus began to realize just how much Jecht had changed during his pilgrimage 10 years ago. Anyways...after some awkward 'hello's' and 'have you been eating right?'...Tidus said "Dad...I wanna tell you something..."
Jecht says "What's that?"...and Tidus...after a long pause...said, in a voice barely louder then a whisper, and cracking with emotion..."I hate you." To which Jecht simply nodded and said "I know...I know."
That really hit me like a punch in the stomach, because that whole angle reminded me so much of my love-hate relation with my dad. (and any veteran of WP who knows me can attest to that) Earlier on, Tidus was boasting about how, if he did got to meet his father, he'd be able to tell him "I hate you!" with strength and confidence. But when the moment of truth came...damn...