Isthisreal wrote:
And another question or two...
There's a creature card that has the ability to steal the opposing player's goat token and use it against him. Can this creature steal a changeling?
If I have the pariah enchantment(which is a white spell) on my opponents creature since a couple of turns ago, and he plays a sorcery that gives said creature protection from white, does that get rid of the pariah enchantment on that creature?
Yes and yes.
Changelings are all creature types, and Goat is a creature type in Magic. The majority of Goatnapper's legal targets are actually Changelings as Goat doesn't appear on many cards (six goats versus twenty creatures with Changeling and Mistform Ultimus).
Protection from X means:
This cannot be damaged by things that are X
This cannot be
enchanted by things that are X
This cannot be equipped by things that are X
This cannot be blocked by things that are X
This cannot be damaged by things that are X
So if a creature enchanted by Pariah gains protection from white, it finds that it cannot be enchanted by things that are white and Pariah goes to the graveyard as a state based effect (the same inner workings of the game that destroy creatures with lethal damage and make players lose due to having 0 life or less, to name a few).
"Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest." - Samuel "Mark Twain" Clemens