~ Enemies are in perfect fighting condition, or dead.
~ No matter what just happened, a horde of enemies with guns is waitin for you.
~ Melee to the back is stronger then a whole assault rifle clip.
~ No matter what year, planet, time, country the game is set in, the main character always has an AMERICAN accent.
~ Fights can be won with three punches.
~ Your trainer will say "Ive trained you enough. Level up and come back"
~ To avoid gunfire, stay behind cover and dont keep moving.
~ To avoid grenades, dont stay behind cover and keep moving.
~ No matter how good a secret sniper you are, when the first shot is fired they know where you are.
~ The above sniper rule is also used for chasin.
~ Cars break like barbie doll heads.
~ Your character is physically invincible.
~ Explosions dont hurt enemies, you have to hit them with the rocket.
~ Every games character must have a hat or awesome hair that would NEVER be achieveable in real life.
~ Skateboarding is easy.
~ Its possible to hijack a helicopter (While its in use)
~ When entering randonly and uninvited into a house, you're not told to leave, but actually greeted and helped.
~ All problems can be solved with fists, guns, grenades, vehicles, bombs, nukes, death, cats, ninja, chinese guys (They're in all games no offense).
~ Any random person can become the ultimate criminal, racer, gangster, knight, ETC.
~ People find advantages in games, and moan about them on sites like this.
~ No matter what injury you have, a quick injection/shag will fix them.
"He Who Asks Is A Fool For 5 Minutes, But He Who Does Not Ask Is A Fool Forever" "live well. its the greatest revenge". my sig is random quotes!