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19 Jul 2008, 1:59 pm

bosses tend to explode in a giant cloud of smoke even though they are sometimes human.

I am so omniscient, if there were to be two omniscience's I would be both! Prepare yourselves for the subjugation! - Ziltoid The Omniscient.


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28 Jul 2008, 10:02 am


Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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28 Jul 2008, 10:21 am

Walk around rubbing against walls and you might pass through a wall into a secert room full of treasure. :o


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28 Jul 2008, 2:27 pm

There is no situation that can't be resolved with a handful of dice and an eraser.


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28 Jul 2008, 5:20 pm

It takes only 15 minutes to obtain entire platoons of infantry forces out of thin air. Once they're on the field, they require absolutely nothing in terms of supplies or food. They can operate behind enemy lines with no penalty for being cut off from allied forces. Of course, the enemy can do the same to you as well...


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29 Jul 2008, 7:25 pm

hitting the pulsating red area of the main bad guy tends to kill him quicker.

I am so omniscient, if there were to be two omniscience's I would be both! Prepare yourselves for the subjugation! - Ziltoid The Omniscient.


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15 May 2009, 2:06 pm

Certain moves used in certain ways can make you invincible/give you unlimited ammo/make you super fast, ect.

(")_(") This is a bunny. Copy and paste him to aid him in his quest to take over the world.


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15 May 2009, 5:49 pm

-The only reason you can't do a double jump is because a random person hasn't given you a tutorial yet. The moment it's mentioned in conversation, you're a gymnast.
-When you break wooden boxes/ ceramic vases, the shrapnel generally fades after a few seconds.
-Knocking is overrated.
- The best things do not come in small packages. Nor are they ever hidden. The bigger and shiner the treasure chest and more obvious its placement is, the better the thing inside. Unless it's a compass. Then that's just a letdown.
-The first annoying (but benevolent) tiny creature you befriend will bark orders at you and inexplicably, will become your bossy little pipsqueak friend for life.
-Catching on fire or accidentally stepping into an inferno/flame cloud is not too much of a big deal. But your wooden shield will burn.
- Turtles and mushrooms that do nothing but walk around (and maybe wear hats) work for the bad guy. Jump on their heads!
-Gold weapons are always stronger than iron or steel ones. Malleability, sh-malleability. Oh, and Mirror weapons are just as durable as steel ones - they just reflect light better.
-Don't complain, just do it. Mute heroes are always more appreciated. You can save the world after you save my frickin' cat.


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15 May 2009, 5:58 pm

Oh! Two more!
-For a woman to use a gun, she must have a thigh holster.
-Gravity does not effect hair styles. Neither does wind, water, fire or the passing of days.


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16 May 2009, 1:55 am

Red Barrels are explosive. and make good target practice.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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16 May 2009, 8:20 pm

-You can get money from any non-human animals you kill.
-The more you hurt an evil boss, the angrier and stronger he gets.
-Also, as some good guys take a certain amount of injury, they earn the chance to perform a devastating and spectacular special attack.
-Many normal people are capable of performing magic (as long as they have sufficient MP).
-Whenever you try and kill a centipede, it splits in two and leaves behind a little mushroom where you split it.
-If you find a certain special pair of boots, you'll get the ability to jump much higher, or in rare occasions even fly.
-Most regular shops around towns sell weapons and protective gear, and don't mind when someone walks in carrying a dangerous weapon.
-If you spray too much insecticide on your plants, you're bound to mutate into a half-plant yourself (Sims 2 reference).
-Whenever you move into a new house, a guy named Rod Humble drops by and leaves you a free computer with a game that's not due for release for over a year (another Sims 2 reference).

That's all I can think of for now...

Tim (aka the Slipperman)


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18 May 2009, 4:44 pm

-Short sticks are made of magic and can be used as swords, various types of surgical equipment, and shovels.
-If something has an orb sticking out of it, grab another one and shoot it with your orb.
-In space or high altitudes, bullets can always be dodged.
-If shot, heads WILL explode.
-Jumping on people's heads either has no effect or kills them instantly.

If you don't like Death Note, please exit via the broken glass shooting room.


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19 May 2009, 3:30 am

ALL enemies move forward to face you, no matter what (but hey, i haven't played anything from the newer consoles, so forgive my ignorance)

"- You don't need oxygen to breathe in space. " False! i'll point out the all too well known scene of Rinoa and Squall in space. <.< (it does get a bit funky near the end though, i'll admit)


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19 May 2009, 3:34 am

Most characters tend to repeat the same thing over and over, or have very limited innovative speech abilities. <.<


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20 May 2009, 3:58 am

~ Enemies are in perfect fighting condition, or dead.
~ No matter what just happened, a horde of enemies with guns is waitin for you.
~ Melee to the back is stronger then a whole assault rifle clip.
~ No matter what year, planet, time, country the game is set in, the main character always has an AMERICAN accent.
~ Fights can be won with three punches.
~ Your trainer will say "Ive trained you enough. Level up and come back"
~ To avoid gunfire, stay behind cover and dont keep moving.
~ To avoid grenades, dont stay behind cover and keep moving.
~ No matter how good a secret sniper you are, when the first shot is fired they know where you are.
~ The above sniper rule is also used for chasin.
~ Cars break like barbie doll heads.
~ Your character is physically invincible.
~ Explosions dont hurt enemies, you have to hit them with the rocket.
~ Every games character must have a hat or awesome hair that would NEVER be achieveable in real life.
~ Skateboarding is easy.
~ Its possible to hijack a helicopter (While its in use)
~ When entering randonly and uninvited into a house, you're not told to leave, but actually greeted and helped.
~ All problems can be solved with fists, guns, grenades, vehicles, bombs, nukes, death, cats, ninja, chinese guys (They're in all games no offense).
~ Any random person can become the ultimate criminal, racer, gangster, knight, ETC.
~ People find advantages in games, and moan about them on sites like this.
~ No matter what injury you have, a quick injection/shag will fix them.

"He Who Asks Is A Fool For 5 Minutes, But He Who Does Not Ask Is A Fool Forever" "live well. its the greatest revenge". my sig is random quotes!


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13 Jun 2009, 8:18 am

~There is no such thing as shell-shock. (it must be because everyone had the space between their ears hollowed out)
~You can wear a heavy coat, a thick shirt, bulky pants, and combat boots (as well as 50 pounds of weapons) in a desert without slowing down or getting heat stroke.
~you can also wear shorts and maby a t-shirt at the north pole without getting frostbite.
~explosions olney knock someone off their feet if they're in a cut-scene.
~your annoying "friends" are invinsible to your attacks

(")_(") This is a bunny. Copy and paste him to aid him in his quest to take over the world.