Bataar wrote:
Since I work evenings, I've been watching the E3 press conferences and more and more, game companies are emphasizing the social aspect of games.
"You can play this with 36 of your friends . . . ."
"If you get stuck, call one of your buddies over and they can immediately jump in . . ."
"Now, when you get a group of friends together you can share . . ."
Is anyone else pissed off about this?
I can definitely relate. I never play in multi-player mode. Hell, I don't even like games that involve a lot of "social interaction" with NPC's. That's why I usually don't play RPG's. I prefer the story-driven mode in FPS games, like Doom or Half-Life 1, where you're mostly on your own, fighting to survive against hordes of enemies. I was very disappointed when Quake 3 and the Unreal franchise became online-oriented. I wish that developers would pay more attention to the single-player aspects of games.
If other people enjoy multi-player, that's fine. But as with sports, it's not my cup of tea... I'm not very good at teamwork, and I don't enjoy competition either. And I can't really enjoy something if other people are judging or making fun of the way I play. Unfortunately, my younger brother watches almost every game I play, so I'm not entirely "free"...