Anyone arty here? Because we're going to play a game. (if u want)
Basically, Every month i assign a theme. You guys then draw characters, enviroments, wepaons etc. from said theme.
Rules Below:
1. Themes = the theme of art. I upload 2 pics from every theme, to get the creative juices flowing.
2. Character = they can be real characters, (eg marcus fenix, squall, link, whatever you like) just draw Theme related things.
3. Weapons = all manner of things.
This weeks theme:
From what ive seen in other gaming posts, you all love it. so this months art theme is
FINAL FANTASY! ill look at some pics and upload soon, though i cant draw at all.
"He Who Asks Is A Fool For 5 Minutes, But He Who Does Not Ask Is A Fool Forever" "live well. its the greatest revenge". my sig is random quotes!