Well, its kinda hard to say it without being biased . . . but, having played it for about 4.5 years, its starting to wear on me. First, it depends on how you want to play: PvE (solo, or group play against NPCs and the like), PvP (Player vs Player, you see someone from the other faction you may kill on sight), and RP (Role Playing, being your character and seeing how you interact with the society therein). For someone just starting, Id recommend a PvE or RP server, because you dont have to worry about other players trying to kill you while you're minding your own business. Next is faction: Alliance (Humans, Gnomes, Night Elves, Dwarves, Draenei) or Horde (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Forsaken, Blood Elf). Having played both sides, Id recommend Horde if you're a mature and good mannered individual (Lots of kids play on the Alliance side and, well, they can get kinda annoying. But, Horde is not without its share of jerks and morons). Id say the game is worth trying for a few weeks, and if its for you keep it up and explore the dungeons, raids, and battlegrounds offered.