PlatedDrake wrote:
1. Bob Page, main bad guy of "Deus Ex"
5. Mission Vao, from "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic."
1. Bob page, Deus Ex, the intro video.
2. I don't know, go with AtomicKaiju's answer
3.Valen Dreth, if you are an Imperial. Oblivion.
4.Maximillian Roivas, Eternal Darkness, a nod to Poe's The Rats in the Walls I believe.
5. Kyle Katarn from Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, when Desann and he first meet.
6. "The Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets more than enough to kill anything that moves" Revolver Ocelot, the cut scene before facing him in MGS1.
7. Liquid Snake, in the hangar with Metal Gear in the cut scene, also MGS1.
I know people already got most of these.