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05 Nov 2009, 12:10 am

I have been debating for some months on which console to get this xmas.

I am aware the ps3 can play blu ray but that doesn't really concern me too much.

I have noted the ps3 seems to have less games available than the xbox360, unless you manage to get one of the 60gb models.

I am very much into fantasy rpgs, and am not at all into fighting games.

I had the ps2 before.

So, let's here your opinions, ps3 and xbox360 owners.

Which one is the best bet?

Does the xbox 360 fail a lot more often than the ps3? I have heard of the red ring of death, though I heard the jasper model has been designed to rectify that.


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05 Nov 2009, 12:15 am

Well, the 360 has games. That's the big thing.

A few important questions: Do you still have you PS2? Have you ever had an Xbox?

The 360's partial backward-compatibility was probably the biggest feature in my case.

Oh, and remember: eBay is your friend.


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05 Nov 2009, 12:30 am

Still got my ps2 but only one game these days . Never used an xbox, nope, but been eyeing up for a year.

I did find a few articles that compared the graphics between the two systems, and the xbox did seem to look slightly better than the ps3.

I drool over the systems on ebay on a regular basis, but I want to make sure I make the right choice really.
The xboxes seem to fail so often.


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05 Nov 2009, 12:32 am

I have played games on my cousin's playstation.

I recently bought a Wii.

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05 Nov 2009, 12:47 am

I've heard that the 360 fails more often than the PS3 (though the failure of a Wii is a freak occurrence), but mine hasn't failed and friend of mine had his PS3 fail... Statistics, people.

Anyway, if you never had an Xbox (6th gen), then I would highly recommend the 360.
...Just like if you never had a GameCube, then I would highly recommend a Wii.

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05 Nov 2009, 12:54 am

my vote would be the ps3, ive had the xbox before and the only game i sorta liked was Fable. My brother has the xbox 360 and its died twice, the second time they wont even fix it so he's going to the ps3 lol.

for games i usually play RPGs and i find there's more of them on the playstation. i did try Lost Oddessy on the 360 and i found the character animations were twitchy and it gave me a headache so i didnt play it for long. i find it seems to be more of the FPS players that get the xbox and RPGers that go for the ps3...but i could be wrong, its just my observation. i also like the fact that games on the ps3 are on blu-ray so you dont have to keep switching discs if you're playing a long RPG.

I've always liked playstation better than the xbox, the xbox has yet to impress me. and the hardware problems it has doesnt make me wanna try it out anymore than i already have.


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05 Nov 2009, 1:35 am

I have a Wii and PS3. I believe that to be the best combination of the current video game consoles if you have two of them.

My PS3 is the first 80GB model which plays PS2 discs. It's too bad the new ones don't since it runs them in upscaled HD.


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05 Nov 2009, 3:25 am

Yeah, the best combination of current-gen consoles (assuming that you have no other systems) would have to be the Wii (which can play all GameCube games) and the PS3 (only the Emotion Engine-equipped models count here.).

In my case, I already had a PS2, but not an Xbox. That made the 360 an obvious choice.


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05 Nov 2009, 3:48 am

Its got to be the xbox 360 if your a die hard gaming fan. In the space of around 4 years I have had 2 Xbox 360's so you have to expect depending on how much you play with it a 2 year life span and I tend to sell or trade one in when signs of internal hardware failure are near. In my case it was a laser issue but for many it used to be the red circle of death which they have modified in new versions I think not sure though.

When it comes to online play you will have to pay for xbox live but the stability of the online servers is really good. I have played loads of games with the XBOX 360 usually the COD series of games for online indepth gameplay and action. As for RPG games I would recommend Oblivion GOTY edition, Fallout 3 with extension packs GOTY edition again, Fable 2 and there are many more. I actually find that COD5 is slightly RPG in that online you are leveling up all the time from 0 to 65 and that is just one prestige level there are 10 prestige levels as well.

XBOX Live also offers a great service which enables you to download game demo's, download arcade style games which can be avatar friendly with the bonus of having avatar development games, There are game programs to watch with reviews, game play footage and more, theres a movie on demand service, you can download independent games, old xbox games, new 360 xbox games and other interesting extras example being I have a massage program that will make my xbox controller give me a swedish massage and also theres a very good instant messaging service oh and I forgot you can soon watch sky channels and use facebook and twitter on an xbox 360.

I have also setup my xbox 360 to be a media centre for my pc so that I can listen to my music ollection on the television while playing games which adds that extra bit of fun, I can look at images and photographs on my television, I can also watch downloaded films for free on my tv through the pc to the xbox using this software tversity media server which is free for pc

and if you still are not convinced then watch this clip [youtube][/youtube]


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05 Nov 2009, 5:20 am

I have had 3 xbox 360s fail on me. After that I went to PS3. Also, online gaming on PS3 is free and I have never had a connection issue with it. I paid for xbox live but had connection issues all the time.

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05 Nov 2009, 5:52 am

since your not a fan of japanese rpg's then definatly go for the xbox 360, its cheaper, has better games and has SLIGHTLY better multiplayer. since the introduction of the jasper unit, the xbox 360 almost never has red ring of death any more although if you do buy one i would reccomend a fan to ensure no red ring. the ps3 is better if you want it mostly for movies and stuff but the xbox 360 is much better for gaming.

dont get me wrong the ps3 is quite good but is bassically inferior to the xbox 360 in nearly every way.


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05 Nov 2009, 6:33 am

X_Parasite wrote:
I've heard that the 360 fails more often than the PS3 (though the failure of a Wii is a freak occurrence), but mine hasn't failed and friend of mine had his PS3 fail... Statistics, people.

Anyway, if you never had an Xbox (6th gen), then I would highly recommend the 360.
...Just like if you never had a GameCube, then I would highly recommend a Wii.

most of the 360's problems are due to overheating and are both easy to fix and prevent, the majority of problems are caused by the x clamps they use to fix on the heatsinks, as we all know motherboards warp when they heat up the problem here is that the x clamps used in the xbox prevent it from warping back properly, id recommend removing them and just using bolts, some normal washers and some spring washers, while your at it it is always a good idea to replace the thermal paste as well as the thermal paste they use is about as effective as molten lava. this will fix/prevent 99% of all 360 hardware problems. mine is one of the originals that had to have the extended warranty, it broke down almost 2 months after i got it i fixed it by doing what i said above and it is still going today!

unfortunately Microsoft wont remove the x clamps or use better thermal paste. their "fix" (actually more of a patch on its own than an actual fix) is to merely improve the heatsinks which is also not a bad idea if you really want to be on safe side, i did mine just last week just in case. if you don't mind voiding you warranty and doing a little d.i.y that shouldn't cost you more than a couple of quid and about 10-20 minutes then the 360 is just as reliable or even more reliable than a ps3.


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05 Nov 2009, 7:59 am

wormsto wrote:
dont get me wrong the ps3 is quite good but is bassically inferior to the xbox 360 in nearly every way.

The PS3 has much more powerful hardware, so the Xbox is inferior to it in that way.

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05 Nov 2009, 8:34 am

The latest models of the Xbox 360 (Jasper) are suppose to have mostly fixed the RROD problem.

I plan to get a 360 for christmas myself.


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05 Nov 2009, 9:46 am

Xbox 360

Cheaper (On Saturday, a $200 Xbox comes with a $100 gift card at Walmart [LINK] [LINK])
Netflix (coming out on PS3 soon)
Better multiplayer
If you have a computer with Windows Media Center, it can be accessed and used with an Xbox.

Failure rate
Must pay to play online
No Blu-ray (there have been hints of Xbox Blu-ray drives being released though)
Large power source
A little loud


More exclusives
Free online play
Blu-ray (again, Xbox may be getting a Blu-ray drive soon)
Better selection of downloadable games

Inferior online play
More expensive
Loading times can get annoying
No longer supporting BC
No easy/standard way of connecting with your PC

If I were you though, I'd build a gaming PC. Even with it's lack of games (except in the MMO department) PC gaming is still superior to console gaming in terms of enjoyment. Ever since I built my current computer, I've barely been spending any time on my PS3. :)


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05 Nov 2009, 10:13 am

Without wanting to sound like a fanboy, I'm suggesting the 360. Online is way better, worth paying for even. As an owner of both systems I definatly recommend 360. Still, you should look to see which console has the exclusives you'd enjoy the most.
PS3 has
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Little Big Planet

whereas 360 has
-Gears of War
-Dead Rising
-Left 4 dead

Also Klint, I'll respectfully disagree with you. I don't think PS3 has more exclusives, infact I'm fairly sure. And I know without doubt that Xbox Live has a better selection of downloadable games. To be honest, I was extremly disappointed by PSN's lack of downloadable games :(

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