What are some good games that aren't too hard?

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19 Sep 2016, 9:29 pm

I don't care if games are out of print I bet I can source them

My favourite games so far:
Mario 64
Final fantasy x
Pokemon blue/silver
Wario land 3
Zelda Oracle of seasons/ages


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20 Sep 2016, 10:21 am

Okami is a cool game with with a mild, forgiving learning curve. But it has things that turn some people off, like unskippable story bits and JRPG-style repetitive random battles. I still like it.

Izanagi Slash

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20 Sep 2016, 4:51 pm

Castlevania Symphony of the Night. While your first few playthroughs may be difficult due to not being familiar with the game, once you know all of the tricks, you discover a game where the main character is so versatile there are many ways to play the game.

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01 Oct 2016, 6:24 pm

good games that arn't too hard? try kirby games, loads of fun, lots of powers to get from sucking up enemies so you can change movesets whenever you like, its not that hard (im terrible at platformers so i find it kinda hard) but the series has really pretty graphics, great mini games on the side, fun power ups (i like whip and spear the best personally), they are great games to have alot of fun but not get challenged too much, although stay clear of Kirby's adventure Wii (or kirby's return to dreamland Wii) as that can get really hard in the latter half of the game haha, still an awesome game, you get uber versions of powerups so you get the ultra sword and can slash the entire screen of enemies up, destroy parts of the environment and buildings (thats actually key to do, as you open up the rift things that you need to go into to get the collectables in some levels when you destroy a certain big thing in each level using the ultra powerup)

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06 Oct 2016, 7:29 am

If you want a way-back one from when I was a kid, the SNES Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past) or Earthbound.

Some modern RPGs have an easy/story mode, that I guess lets you play through the story without the combat being too hard? I always play the normal difficulty, but I've seen it's an option.

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08 Oct 2016, 12:20 pm

It has kind of an...interesting fan base at times, but Undertale is pretty good if you can get past that. Without spoiling too much, the Genocide Route is intentionally kind of frustrating to play, but outside of that it's a pretty easy game with interesting characters and a sense of humor that I really enjoy (although it may not be for everyone).

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08 Oct 2016, 12:23 pm

Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight - The Beast Within
Kings Quest 6 - Heir today, gone tomorrow
To the Moon
The Dragon Cancer
Tales from the Borderlands
The Witcher 3
Brothers - A Tale of 2 sons
Ori and the Blind Forest


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08 Oct 2016, 2:56 pm

The Pokemon games [Explorers of Sky is a favourite of mine].
Castlevania Symphony of The Night and/or Aria of Sorrow and/or Dawn of Sorrow
Okami and Okamiden
The Rune Factory series [Rune Factory 4 is my favourite].
Final Fantasy Curtain Call
Final Fantasy VII

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