I've no idea about those examples, but Silent Storm is one of my all-time favourite games; it has corny but funny voice acting, nice graphics, preposterous and semi-random plot, and the opportunity to do creatively nasty things to buildings, which is a really big draw for me (what can I say? ). Unfortunately, it doesn't work with modern machines that have over 3.whatever Gb main memory (well, it does, but you have to mess around and I can't be arsed), a failing which also extends to its sequels (no great loss IMO), and to the game of Night Watch, which uses the same engine (no idea whether it's good or bad, it doesn't look very good, but you never know).
I also like, well, most other games inspired by UFO, in particular UFO:Afterlight, with its cartoony Martian graphics and limited number of characters (which works well, it encourages you to take care of them); sadly, the three UFO:Aftersomething titles all have frequent and crippling bugs, even after many patches.
No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.