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26 Mar 2010, 12:02 pm

I couldn't help myself writing the title in Cyrillic even if it just looks like a typo(The Russian alphabet's R is written P), but I wanted to know if anyone has played the game yet. I'm personally waiting to read the book(Metro 2033 was a russian book written by Dmetriy Glukhovskiy some years ago. It's a cult hit in Russia) when they finally release the English translation stateside. If you don't know what the game is, I'll just put a video up because I'm too lazy to explain. [youtube][/youtube]


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26 Mar 2010, 12:34 pm

Haven't played it yet, I still need to get around to beating STALKER (and maybe the sequels too).

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...

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22 Apr 2010, 1:50 am

I completed it in one sitting... It was awesome :D

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22 Apr 2010, 4:15 pm

Its another post apocalyptic survival horror, though that said... I'm really enjoying it :D . Only bought it a few days ago, so I'm not that far through. I'm playing it on the xbox, though I reckon it would be much better on PC, for the sake of more control.


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22 Apr 2010, 5:08 pm

The book is coming in the mail and'll probably be here tommorow. I want to read it before playing the game.


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22 Apr 2010, 5:48 pm

Cool graphics but that's about it. I'm not a sucker for "horror" games so i guess that is the problem. (Being ready to press escape all the time :lol: )

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28 Apr 2010, 6:46 pm

While the mood, atmosphere, and horror elements were amazing especially with the librarian, I didn't like this game at all when it came to combat because of the whole ammo as money system. Plus, the enemies are too powerful while your guns are too weak. They really could've done what Irrational Games did with BioShock, by creating this environment and characters and having it influenced by Atlas Shrugged. The best way to sum up this game is just saying "Go get Fallout 3 instead". Because that is a far superior game compared to Metro 2033.


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28 Apr 2010, 8:14 pm

Metro is it's own book so they couldn't have gone and made it based on Atlas Shrugged(ain't that the communist dystopic book with the 60 page speech? I've been try to find it at my library for some time because they said they have it but I never find it. I'm a sucker for Dystopic and post-apocalyptic novels :) )

Speaking of the book, it just arrived yesterday all the way from across the pond. Apparently, it won't be published here in America and Canada until November if ever.

Anyways, it's 458 pages, trade paperback(My favorite format) and has two detailed maps of the Moscow Metro. It's told from Artem's point of view(Artyom is just a spelled out pronunciation of Artem's name) it ends with the nuclear missle generic ending(I checked before starting because I've already witnessed the game ending even though I haven't played it.) It has 4 sequels that I hope they translate ASAP and they are as follows: Metro 2034, Metro 2033: Putevye Znaki, Metro 2033: Temnye Tunneli, and Metro 2033: Piter. I'm only just learning russian so for now, I can only decode the Cyrillic alphabet and understand a few simple words, so I can't translate the names of the last three, but from the names of the authors on the cover, I can just say that these last three books(not 2034) are written by other writers, so Glukhovskii is fleshing out his universe with help from others. The last three were released in January, February, and March of this year from what I could translate. If anyone on here knows russian really well, could you help me translate? I'd like to know more about these books.

Oh, and I found a really good machinama for it. It's much better than any of the trailers. [youtube][/youtube]


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28 Jun 2010, 5:29 am

I agree with that the game itself might not be perfect - Even less so, considering how badly my old computer handles graphics. For some reason, I find myself unable to care.

The setting is great. The athmosphere is literally choking me with it's awesomeness. I really love post-apocalyptism, although I haven't been able to get my hands on too many works in that genre. There's something about the end of the world and going back to basics when society collapses that thrills me.

I'm hoping to buy the book, and I'm currently writing a (probably useless) fanfic. Original characters and plot, mind you.


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28 Jun 2010, 7:06 am

I was orginally writing a fanfic about the Washington Metro System(Despite Washington being quite small, the Metro is quite large and stretches beyond Washington proper) but I stopped. I made a roleplaying game based on my fanfic idea, but if it does not take off, I'll just go back to writing it as a fanfic. for anyone interested, the link is here:

And no, writing a fanfic isn't useless, even though I don't get recognized for my writings, I still like to express myself. And besides, writing is fun when you are interested what you are writing about. Is your fanfic going to take place in Moscow?


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28 Jun 2010, 8:59 am

I got bored, and there were too many game-crashing bugs, so I couldn't be bothered to finish it.

I didn't like the (nigh) indestructible nature of some of the bad guys. They're not supposed to be metaphysical demons, they're supposed to be flesh and blood. Shoot them in the face, it should hurt. It took me until the last part of the library to realise the librarians could be killed - the first time I met one I put a zillion shotgun rounds into its head and it didn't go down. ^^

No one has gone missing or died.

The year is still young.


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28 Jun 2010, 9:13 am

^^Yeah, in the Moscow metro. Couldn't come up with anything that fit, really.

^I agree - The librarians were a bit.. 8O.. too sturdy. The demons? Hell, only time I actually managed to get one was when I threw a sticky grenade at it.


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28 Jun 2010, 9:19 am

Yes, I hear the game has that issue with enemies being seemingly invincible at times. I think in the book, the mutants in general are supposed to be like that. I have not played the game but i have been reading the book, and there arne't many mutants until about the 100th page. That's when Artyom travels to Rizhskaya(Riga in the game) with Zhenya and a few others on a manual cart(I looked ahead). So far, the only mutants I have seen were seen in recollections. Artem thinks about how his mother and her fellow Metro dwellers in some other station where all eaten alive by a swarm of Mutant rats. Sukhoi took Artem(who was about 5 at the time) with him and they fled to the next station where men with flame throwers put down the oncoming swarm of rats. The other time was when Artyom remembers the first time he saw dark ones. They walked forward like zombie, not even feeling the hits. It took tons of bullets to take just one down, and even then, they still kept coming. The Dark ones in the book don't resemble the ones in the game too much. I'm looking at the description of the book right now actually. I'll transcribe it. "Finally, having waited for the dark ones to draw closer, they turn on the spotlight , and strange, delirious silhouettes become visible in its beam. They're naked, covered in black, glossy skin, with huge eyes and mouths like gashes..."


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28 Jun 2010, 9:31 am

So they don't look like this?

Anyway, finally! Some context on who the hell Alex (Sukhoi, right?) is. In the game he's only refered to as Artyom's stepfather..


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28 Jun 2010, 10:05 am

TechnicalPacifist wrote:
^^Yeah, in the Moscow metro. Couldn't come up with anything that fit, really.

^I agree - The librarians were a bit.. 8O.. too sturdy. The demons? Hell, only time I actually managed to get one was when I threw a sticky grenade at it.

Well, you know if it gets too difficult, you could have it in America. Even metro stations like the Minsk Metro survived. The Minsk Metro is really shallow. So I think that the more unimportant places were relatively unscathed by the blasts, it's the nuclear winter and the poisonous atmosphere that really kills people off. Even if people were to get trapped in a Metro system, it would be rare for them to survive and prosper like Moscow. There are radioactive mushrooms that can be eaten and that can also be used as livestock feed and to decompose feces(the glowing mushrooms in the game), but it'd be very hard for someone to get a hold of livestock and bring it underground and for their to be enough to go around. I don't think you can survive on just mushrooms. And weapons. Weapons are needed because the mutants can be vicious. Even small things like rats. Like I mentioned, rats wiped out an entire station. They were mutants, but they were still quite small. Without projectile weapons, a whole station could be doomed. I don't know where all of the weapons in the moscow metro, all of the gear too, comes from. I assume there is an area of the metro that is underneath a major military installation.

Since one of the main opposing forces of world war 3 was the US, I believe they were hit very hard as opposed to Russia. I think Russia was just a passive ally and the axis, whoever they were, struck Russia because of this. I don't know. I know very little beyond that the Nuclear Holocaust occurred in 2013.

In order to do a good fanfic in Moscow, you'd need to have an elementary understanding of the language, culture, etc. You can do without this sometimes though. That's why I stayed away from doing a fanfic in Moscow. It would require too much research. Now, doing one in any Metro still requires a good amount of research. The upside about doing one in Moscow is that Dmitry has already layed down the groundwork. The factions and their relationships with each other.


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28 Jun 2010, 10:09 am

TechnicalPacifist wrote:
So they don't look like this?

Anyway, finally! Some context on who the hell Alex (Sukhoi, right?) is. In the game he's only refered to as Artyom's stepfather..

Yes, Sukhoi(Artyom was raised to call him Uncle Sasha. He only refers to him as a step-father because I suppose he'd have to relate the story to everyone when explaining their relationship) was a guard for that specific station. He was handed Artyom by the boy's mother who had already been attacked by the rats. The only way Sukhoi and the other guards were able to get away was because they had a motorized traincar.