enough of these game hackings already...
it seems some group is attacking steam, first the psn now steam, and i'm sick of this s**t, because i want to play my dragon age origins damnit. i wish these game hackers would get a life and go somewhere else, is hacking systems worth this crap...
some days it sucks having 50% of my games run through steam, anyone have a bypass program or something?
the psn site is still fending off the attacks, and from what i read in game informer it is all because i bunch of people want to hack their systems and turn them into worthless bricks, i hope sony wins here all these people are fighting is to destroy their work and bootleg games, not worth it.
i know i wouldn't take a device that costs 200+ dollars and screw with it like that, it wastes money and time.
not accusing just ranting, more stomach pain cycle. i also am running on 4 hours or so of sleep.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
Wasn't there a 14 year old who hacked PSN accounts so he could download content with the accounts paying for it?
Downloading illegally is considered the norm in this reality. Industries complain because they don't make profit and the downloaders say they cost too much. It's all in the same boat.

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half of my games can't run in offline mode, tried to, besides they won't get patched for problems and fallout 3 and dragon age need patched and fixed.
to the rest i don't approve of console modding and i never will, these companies put tons of money, time, and effort into coming up with these consoles, not mass producing them but the first one that gets made, i see it as an art form and will not screw with someone's art.
all i know is what i read in the game informer magazine, i haven't looked beyond that and i won't, all i know is they are interfering with the two gaming store manger things i use the most and just because it happens all the time does not make it right.
and those that use both systems should not have to put up with the crap.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
That's like me selling you a car and telling you that you only use parts you buy from me, because that's how I like the car. I don't want you to run your car as you want, I want you to run it as I do. Or me selling you a computer under the condition that you can only use software I like. You can only use Chrome to browse the web, because it's what I like! You're not allowed to use Firefox!
See how stupid that is?
If you buy something, you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it. Even if I buy a PS3 and want burn it in a bonfire, I f**king well can, because it's my console I paid for and own. The manufacturer should have absolutely no power over how their product is used after it has been sold to a customer. End of story.
The whole thing about Sony suing geohot is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. To quote the Futurama episode Overclockise, "I slightly modified something I own! Nooooo!"

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See how stupid that is?
If you buy something, you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it. Even if I buy a PS3 and want burn it in a bonfire, I f**king well can, because it's my console I paid for and own. The manufacturer should have absolutely no power over how their product is used after it has been sold to a customer. End of story.
The whole thing about Sony suing geohot is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. To quote the Futurama episode Overclockise, "I slightly modified something I own! Nooooo!"
Wow, that's an astounding position for such an enthusiastic Apple supporter, but I completely agree.

People should be able to modify anything they OWN in anyway they want...
However, vandalizing online services and pirating intellectual content (read games) is a different kettle of fish.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus

I disagree when Apple do it, too. I used to be a very avid jailbreaker. In fact, I used one of the very first jailbreaks, back when it was something only a small group of nerds did. Those were the better days

However, vandalizing online services and pirating intellectual content (read games) is a different kettle of fish.
Vandalising online services is indeed different, as is pirating games, yes. But as we agree, modding your console so you can do stuff like run homebrew is something which, if anything, Sony should encourage.
They did hack other Sony services, but they never hacked the PSN.
That's like me selling you a car and telling you that you only use parts you buy from me, because that's how I like the car. I don't want you to run your car as you want, I want you to run it as I do. Or me selling you a computer under the condition that you can only use software I like. You can only use Chrome to browse the web, because it's what I like! You're not allowed to use Firefox!
See how stupid that is?
If you buy something, you should be able to do whatever the hell you want with it. Even if I buy a PS3 and want burn it in a bonfire, I f**king well can, because it's my console I paid for and own. The manufacturer should have absolutely no power over how their product is used after it has been sold to a customer. End of story.
The whole thing about Sony suing geohot is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. To quote the Futurama episode Overclockise, "I slightly modified something I own! Nooooo!"
i am fine with doing it for legal purposes, heck i have an r4 card for my dsi lost my r4 for my ds lite. but i also only mod the ds, maybe it's because i don't like it when i see people destroying their electronics because i have a passion when it comes to mine, i will not do anything to harm my electronics that can't be fixed the r4 card once removed from the ds will return my ds to factory condition at any point.
but torrent sites are full of bootleg psp games, i know i looked at pirate bay from links i found online. mostly because i was curious how people were playing ps1 games on theirs. in my search i found tons of torrents for ps1 and psp games. and i wouldn't bare to see my psp never light up again, sucks though because i like the texture mods for dissidia 012 but i can't use them, custom firmware only but to me getting to use them ain't worth the risk.
i see my electronics as my friends in a way and i would do nothing to harm them, besides i have no clue how to customize my psp anyway and the methods i've read seem risky at best. i got my dissidia off the psn.
i'm fine with modding until it is abused like that. and when they attacked steam i wanted to play dragon age, i was having a really bad day and that was the straw that broke the camel's back so to say. also i accidently replied to one of those scam emails telling them to leave me alone, i had no idea it was a scam email, and now i get scam emails nearly every week, and i could change my email address and be rid of them but as far as i know i have to go through the psn site to change my address i can't just do it on the ps3 or i can but the whole network being down still i can't do it because the network is down but i could if it wasn't.
and it's all because of these hackers, besides i have my credit card number on both places, if someone got that i'd be in debt and never be able to surf amazon again.
what does apple have to do with it?
but the psn site has been down for months now as far as i know or most of the site is down only a few parts are running. but not enough to change my email and be rid of these email spammers.
they did hack the psn, at least i couldn't go browse the shop on my ps3 for the longest time, and the site was under maintenance and i think it still is. to me that's the psn.
also i would love to customize my psp but only if there is no chance of losing my psp in the process. i am an avid high tech person i can't even stand this state PA because most of the towns, cities etc... are outdated, arizona was more high tech.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
Why do you associate modify with harm? Unless you go out of your way to damage your system, I see no way modding a console will harm it. I used to mess with custom firmwares on my PSP all the time, and if anything ever went wrong, all I'd have to do is put my Pandora's Battery in and I could flash it back to standard firmware and start all over again.
Piracy will happen no matter what, but again, I don't see why you associate modification with destruction. That makes no sense.
See, this is the issue. You just admitted that you don't know what you're talking about.
Modding a PSP used to be a fairly risky process - I once bricked a PSP by modding it (but got it replaced on warranty anyway, because I'm awesome like that), but nowadays it's impossible; you can always use a Pandora's Battery to restore your PSP back to stock no matter what.
Attacking a network is different, and I'm not saying I support that kind of activity at all. You should have known better than to reply to a dodgy e-mail, though.
The PSN has been back up for ages as far as I know.
If your credit card is used fraudulently then just report it to the bank and you'll be fine. In the future, you can just buy DLC from the PSN and other gaming services using vouchers instead.

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as far as I know and read, it was only the forums for steam that got hacked, not steam itself. Hence the fact that steam just forced everyone to change their forum passwords. Now I refuse to feel pity for those who use the same account name and password for everything.
Myers Brigg - ISTP
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Yes, I do have a DeviantArt, it is at.... http://demonabyss10.deviantart.com/
Why do you associate modify with harm? Unless you go out of your way to damage your system, I see no way modding a console will harm it. I used to mess with custom firmwares on my PSP all the time, and if anything ever went wrong, all I'd have to do is put my Pandora's Battery in and I could flash it back to standard firmware and start all over again.
my history with mods and fallout 3 is enough to answer that. i even blue screened my computer opening harkness's file in the geck once, ruined the game 3 times already to where it had to be fixed and restored to even run. i don't like pandora's battery because of the name pandora, i think of opening pandora's box when i think of the word. i modded my pc to work with my ps3 controller and killed all the usb ports, the weird thing is i followed the instructions to the letter. mods make games ustable but those are easily fixable.
Piracy will happen no matter what, but again, I don't see why you associate modification with destruction. That makes no sense.
i saw a video on youtube of 3 viruses that the psp can catch through custom firmware, and that was only 3 i'm guessing there is more out there then just 3. one bricked the system completely, i don't have a pandora battery so i couldn't fix that. i've also locked up my r4 more times then i can remember, forcing me to wipe it clean and start over what pain in the neck.
See, this is the issue. You just admitted that you don't know what you're talking about.
how? i just answered why i will not take any risk that could possibly harm them in any way shape or form, they are worth more to me then mortal life, even my own. i don't know how to custimize my psp because i don't know how to mod it without using a process that sounds sketchy at best. more like i can't mod my psp without using a process that sounds sketchy at best. and i'm not wasting money to buy a modded one because i am broke right now.
Modding a PSP used to be a fairly risky process - I once bricked a PSP by modding it (but got it replaced on warranty anyway, because I'm awesome like that), but nowadays it's impossible; you can always use a Pandora's Battery to restore your PSP back to stock no matter what.
Attacking a network is different, and I'm not saying I support that kind of activity at all. You should have known better than to reply to a dodgy e-mail, though.
The PSN has been back up for ages as far as I know.
i had no idea about email scammers before that, or that they would even find me out of the millions of people on the net. so i thought it was a person pestering me and so i replied. i'm naive get over it.
last few times i checked it was down, and the site was down long after the store was back up on the ps3.
If your credit card is used fraudulently then just report it to the bank and you'll be fine. In the future, you can just buy DLC from the PSN and other gaming services using vouchers instead.
vouchers? my credit card has never been used by no one else but me but i don't want a place where it is stored to be hacked in case. if you mean game cards, do you know how goddamn far the nearest town is from my home, at least an hour round trip, i don't have the damn paitance when i want something i want it right then and there. and yes someday i will bite the bullet i will do so. at least i don't have to wait for someone to get offg their ass and drive me to town because i don't own a car or can drive, if it was simple i would do it but for me it is not.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
i used to use the same password and it bit me in the ass big time, after that i got 3 new net emails and changed all my passwords or most to different things for each site, my reason was not hacking it was being personally attacked by a site but they followed my email to bioware, photobucket, wrongplanet, just to hate on me for my sonic figures i got as a gift from a friend, or at least that's what i got about the attack anyway. they caught me at a rough time in my life and called me a worthless human being because of the only nasty comments i made on the net in 13+ years. one person i the comments wished my death on me. i scattered my emails and accounts to ward off this site.
i am not like that at all i was just going through a rough patch and several meltdowns, not a good thing to be posting when i'm like that but i'm strong willed. yes the forums were attacked but they shut down alot of steam in general or enough to keep me from playing my games, and that post i started with is the result of me thinking emotionally me+emotions=disaster. when i think logicly i don't have any problems or none i can see.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
some days it sucks having 50% of my games run through steam, anyone have a bypass program or something?
the psn site is still fending off the attacks, and from what i read in game informer it is all because i bunch of people want to hack their systems and turn them into worthless bricks, i hope sony wins here all these people are fighting is to destroy their work and bootleg games, not worth it.
i know i wouldn't take a device that costs 200+ dollars and screw with it like that, it wastes money and time.
not accusing just ranting, more stomach pain cycle. i also am running on 4 hours or so of sleep.
just wanted to let you know you are taking this post to seriously, i was sleep deprived, depressed, starving [maybe even dyhidrated], i was begging to be killed. and i wrote this as a, "god damn it steam won't run my game, i'm having the worst day ever and i just want to play some dragon age for god sake!! !] <basic summery of what i was really saying.
when i get that depressed and start using emotions to communicate i end up going on angry rages like this, and everything similar to the event gets wrapped up in the rant.
not accusing just ranting, more stomach pain cycle. i also am running on 4 hours or so of sleep. <-- this should have been an indication that i was unable to think straight, and that is 4 hours of sleep in 3 days, my brain was fried at that point. but this got my stress level up to the point of mental damage and i had to voice it.
i don't want to fight over modding consoles, if you want to buy a 600$ console and bbQ it fine, go waste 600$ i don't work or drive so i don't have the money to piss away like that. what you guys do to your s**t is your problem, not mine. but when my consoles that i bought 10 years ago still work 10 years later, i don't want to hear the bs.
modding for me has been what caused a great deal of anger and frustration in my life, and that's just my games. i still mod the crap out of them anyway.
but anyway didn't want to fight or debate i was just ranting. and now i'm getting pissed that i wasn't able to simply rant and be done with it, i would have been much happier if this was simply ignored, maybe i'll put "warning this is a rant" in the title.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III
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