I thought this would be a good place to ask about this because, well, this is an aspie forum. One of my room mates is getting me and my other friend into Everquest a bit - right now we're really just playing on his account with a player or two of our own. However, me and my friend are thinking about going in halfer on a subscription. So the question is EverQuest original or EverQuest 2? On one end I don't want to be stuck putting time and effort into characters in a game thats gonna have its community dried up in a year or two or switched to a new game. On the other hand it kinda looks like some people are saying that EQ2 is a little weak. I know both are supposedly constantly changing and evolving but what do you guys think? Should we get EQ1 for $10 a month or get EQ2 for $25 a month in hopes that it might get better and possibly once it has a lot more members likely lower its monthly rate a bit?
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.