I usually like to be defensive, and I will save up to release strong troops to overwhelm, I then like to try and corner my opponent, even leaving them on the brink of defeat while I build an army to crush them. I am not a big fan of heavy units, but possibly fast yet fairly durable, and maybe a strong weapon which I use if I get in trouble.
I am not really that good at them but I try. Winning a battle is fun, but constantly being stuck on the bottom is hard, I remember this one fight I had in Halo Wars where the entire battle hinged on me protecting one of my last fortresses from a relentless army of tanks and a giant scarrab, I thought it would be impossible as I had to continuosly release infantry trying to defend a single bottle neck from my fortress. Somehow I actually managed to defend it, but it really tested me.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall