What is your RTS strategy in games?

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Sea Gull
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02 Feb 2011, 8:09 pm

I play some real time strategy games and every time I do I would build like 5 units while the other guy has like whole armys marines and siege tanks. I don't know why they build so fast but I would like to know. I also am in favor of teching up the fastest than destroying the enemy. That is my prefered strategy.


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02 Feb 2011, 8:26 pm

A friend of mine is a RTS fan and he does this to be able to strike and defend quickly since others can do this too.

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02 Feb 2011, 11:22 pm

depends on the game. Most so called RTS games out there are coded for quick-click action and little strategy (warcraft, starcraft, command and conquer, etc).


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02 Feb 2011, 11:56 pm

1: Advance tech quickly until basic combat units can be built
2: Deploy units in a defensive perimeter around base
3: Bolster defenses with defensive structures while advancing tech
4: Advance tech to highest possible level
5: Capture as many resources as possible
6: Using resource stockpile, deploy advanced combat units en masse around base
7: Move massive number of units to enemy base and annihilate
8: Use resources abandoned by defeated enemy to repair and replenish forces
9: Repeat 7-9 until all enemy factions are defeated.

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03 Feb 2011, 1:08 am

I usually like to be defensive, and I will save up to release strong troops to overwhelm, I then like to try and corner my opponent, even leaving them on the brink of defeat while I build an army to crush them. I am not a big fan of heavy units, but possibly fast yet fairly durable, and maybe a strong weapon which I use if I get in trouble.

I am not really that good at them but I try. Winning a battle is fun, but constantly being stuck on the bottom is hard, I remember this one fight I had in Halo Wars where the entire battle hinged on me protecting one of my last fortresses from a relentless army of tanks and a giant scarrab, I thought it would be impossible as I had to continuosly release infantry trying to defend a single bottle neck from my fortress. Somehow I actually managed to defend it, but it really tested me.

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03 Feb 2011, 4:10 am

1) Building an heavily defended fortress
2) When defence and technologies are fully obtained, building an huge army
3) Leading my army right to the enemy base
4) If 3 fails, repeat it until victory

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03 Feb 2011, 4:42 am

Build a huge army as soon as possible and attack as soon as possible (also if possible leave a bit of your army behind at the base in case of enemy attack). While your army is attacking the enemy, build up your city/ tech and expand and so forth etc


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03 Feb 2011, 11:32 am

Dantac wrote:
depends on the game. Most so called RTS games out there are coded for quick-click action and little strategy (warcraft, starcraft, command and conquer, etc).

This is why I quickly grew tired of most RTSs...

This is why I love games like Rome: Total War, where proper tactics and strategy are actually rewarded.

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03 Feb 2011, 2:03 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
Dantac wrote:
depends on the game. Most so called RTS games out there are coded for quick-click action and little strategy (warcraft, starcraft, command and conquer, etc).

This is why I quickly grew tired of most RTSs...

This is why I love games like Rome: Total War, where proper tactics and strategy are actually rewarded.

Real Time Tactics ftw. Also, I really like Turn Based games too. I have Shogun 2 preordered.


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03 Feb 2011, 7:15 pm

Ravenitrius wrote:
Real Time Tactics ftw. Also, I really like Turn Based games too. I have Shogun 2 preordered.

Yep. Turn based strategy/real time tactics is the way to go!

I saw Shogun 2--looks really sexy... but I'm a cheap skate. I'm just now thinking of getting Empire/Napoleon Total War GOTY edition. :oops:

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03 Feb 2011, 7:25 pm

Creative Assembly seriously need to invest in creating decent AI before they go off making pretty looking yet far too easy to beat games.

Were it not for modding ETW would have been a total waste of money. Same with RTW and MTW 2. IF they arn't going to bother making a decent opponent then they might as well focus all their efforts on designing a decent multiplayer campaign system.

With RTS. Depending on the game system i tend to be a turtle by nature.

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03 Feb 2011, 10:38 pm

Turtling like a boss. :lol:

:bigsmurf: :bigsmurf:

Sea Gull
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07 Feb 2011, 8:16 pm

Anyone played any of the Parodox interactive games? I would like to know those have hard learning curve.


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07 Feb 2011, 8:25 pm

With games like Total War I enjoy the classic feint tactics where you trick your opponent into chasing around an army of militia near your common border while you send a fleet loaded with experienced regular units far behind the lines. Even in the tactical map part of those games feinting is the best way to beat somebody, I especially love using forests and grasslands to hide units to take care of attempts by cavalry to flank or etc. I used to play a lot of Starcraft and Warcraft back in the day but I find them a bit too simplistic for me nowadays; as others have pointed out those kind of games involve too much about resource gathering/early rush/quick click etc

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07 Feb 2011, 8:46 pm

Sadly the Total War AI has always been very easy to defeat... the 'very hard' setting for the battle AI simply means its units have practically unlimited morale and never rout while in campaign the AI simply builds units like crazy with unlimited funds and throws them at everyone it can.

After a little while you can defeat the AI without resorting to gaming the game (exploiting AI failures) to get results like this:


I love empire total war but really, without a true multiplayer campaign the game simply isn't challenging.


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07 Feb 2011, 9:33 pm

lol! Yeah I know what you mean. I usually play VH campaign / M battles just because I don't much care for the bonuses the AI gets. What really drives me up the wall are those battles where the AI is supposed to be attacking you in your fort and instead just meanders about reorganizing itself while it's artillery is firing harmlessly into a hill so you have to wait for the time limit to be reached just to get out of the situation. Even worse if you play without time limit (which I usually do). I wish there was a campaign multiplayer.
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