BroncosRtheBest wrote:
countzarroff wrote:
I'm kind of sad to hear that its not getting favorable reviews on here. But whoever said it first is right, the wii is hard to make games on. That's why it doesn't have a lot of good third party titles, sadly.
^ this.
This is what has happened to every Nintendo non-handheld system since the 64, and maybe the SNES (I don't know enough about it to make a judgment call). The 64 was the last console that held cartridges, and to make one cart cost the company $30. The GameCube had those weird baby discs that were a pain in the butt to make, as are the Wii discs, which are basically normal-size versions of the GC discs. You can't use a normal DVD burner to make them, driving up cost to developers. Good for preventing file-sharing, not so good for keeping costs down and productivity up. Combine the weird discs with the new motion controls, and the Wii is definitely the hardest system ever to make games for. (I know the 360 & PS3 both have motion controls now, but you can make a game without them, so they don't really count).
Very true. The real problem I have with Nintendo now a days is that they spend too much time trying to be independent with their technology when what they should be caring about is making good games. Their gadgets and do-hickeys are nice ideas at first, but they just end up turning away good game developers that don't want to be bothered putting together games on such a hard system to program.
I honestly believe that a system itself just needs to be playable because the games will speak for themselves. I bought my wii to play super smash bros brawl, mario kart and the stuff on the virtual console. I never play Wii Sports. The only game I have for it that I actually use the motion control is Lego Batman because you have to use it there. So I've never really cared about the technology. Some people do though.