I don't know if I'm weird, but most of my obsessions have been related to what is found in video games.
I just find certain characters fascinating, though for me its not ever the main hero, but is usually one of the bad guys he fights.
Duke Nukem 3D- I love Duke Nukem, but it's not Duke himself (I think he's boring,) but I am absolutely enthralled by the PigCops. They are not aliens, nor animals, but mutated police officers. Aliens had mutated them when they invaded, so now they are bad guys. What I find fascinating is that it is a tragedy in their case, because they were made into monsters, but they retain their human intelligence. And in one of the Lunar levels, the aliens had taken several of them to be experimented on, and they actually tried to fight back and escape from the aliens and once they realized that the aliens were going to kill them. What was sad in this part, was that they probably came out from the alien mental influence once they saw that the aliens considered them disposable with the rest of mankind, but by then it was too late.
Jedi Outcast- I don't find Kyle Katarn exciting, but I do love the Reborn. These were kidnapped people, experimented on by the remenent Imperial Empire, and turned to the Dark Side. In the facility where they are created, you can see the cells and the Force-infusing experimental 'sarcophogi' into which they are placed. I often wondered what it would be like to be Force-infused in such a manner, probably it feels like your cells are being torn apart...
Doom- I did sorta like the Space Marine, though I was more interested in the Zombies. I thought these were fascinating with their red eyes, green hair, and pale skin. They seemed to retain some of their personality, though what personality was left was twisted and monsterous. I had a feeling they were still alive (as they made breathing sounds) so were probably just mutants. They also knew to keep their weapons, so it meant that they still had part of a mind. I wonder if they still had normal intelligence, or if was dropped by the deamons for easier control?
As yoiu might have guessed, I like to think a lot about them. I wonder if anyone else does this? These are often the only real part of the game I get interested in, I don't have much interest for the other 'stuff.'
Crispy Pickles!!