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14 Mar 2006, 7:27 pm

Who has them? Personally I love them, nothing beats a good wholesome classic like SMB or sonic or yoshi's island or the older zelda games.

I also absoultely love MAME. :heart:


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14 Mar 2006, 9:15 pm

Oooh yes, my husband introduced me to the wonderful world of emulation about 8 months or so ago, and I'm really grateful for it too, I thought I'd never be able to play NES, most SNES, and N64 games again since we only have an old Super Nintendo system and just one or two games for it. We generally use FCE Ultra for NES games, SNES9x and ZSNES for SNES games, and Project 64 for N64 games. We've spent many a night together playing classics like Super Mario Brothers 1, 2, and 3, the Mario Kart games, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Chrono Trigger, and right now we're playing through Earthbound. The really cool thing about them is that they have a netplay feature which allows you to play with anyone, anywhere who has a computer and the same emulator, so we could play games together when I was living in Wisconsin and he was in Canada. Long live classic Nintendo games :D


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15 Mar 2006, 11:04 am

are there mac emulators for the Pc around?


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17 Mar 2006, 12:53 pm

Laz wrote:
are there mac emulators for the Pc around?



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18 Mar 2006, 9:35 pm

I would play them if the sites didn't have so much pornography, disgusting in my opinion


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19 Mar 2006, 5:24 pm

Laz wrote:
are there mac emulators for the Pc around?

It is possible to get Mac OSX itself,running on x86 architecture,as opposed to emulating it.
One person I know of,got it running perfectly but with some driver issues.

Re.original topic.
I think they are a great opportunity-especially for the very old games,as they can be introduced to new generations for them to see how games once were.
I prefer using the original computers than emulators,emus do not give the same realism as the originals do,eg,such as pacing up and down for 10 minutes waiting for a C64 tape to load,only to realise it's crashed,and then there was the page full of programming that came with the c64 manual,having to spend hours typing in code to get one little crappy sound effect,emus take out all the oldskool.

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21 Mar 2006, 3:07 pm

Laz wrote:
are there mac emulators for the Pc around?



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27 Mar 2006, 4:11 am

I use Zsnes for only one reason: Final Fantasy III/VI
Best RPG ever!

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19 Apr 2006, 12:05 am

I was really into ROMs for a while.

SNES: snes9x
N64: Project64

I even got my dual shock playstation pad working on my PC. I've been thinking about trying to hook up a TV to my comp to get the full experience. But then I probably wouldn't leave my room for several years. :lol:

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Sea Gull

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19 Apr 2006, 9:19 am

I have my PDA loaded up with them, for when I go on trips.

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09 May 2006, 1:02 pm

And of course we all realise how legal emu's are, right?
All that aside, the biggest problem with emu's is not finding one, but finding one that isn't riddled with viruses, bug, hacks, etc.


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02 Jun 2006, 10:48 pm

There's only two places I go to for roms: file sharing networks like Limewire and The latter has heaps and heaps of the older roms. I don't play newer games though by emulation, as it's far better to play them on the television with the real thing.

Tufted Titmouse
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03 Jun 2006, 7:11 am

I have an on-off interest in ROMs, currently 'off'... but they are cool.

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25 Jun 2006, 2:18 pm

ZeroSpace wrote:
And of course we all realise how legal emu's are, right?
All that aside, the biggest problem with emu's is not finding one, but finding one that isn't riddled with viruses, bug, hacks, etc.

Hardware emulators aren't illegal at all, and there are plenty of emulators that are safe to use if you stay away from the shady corners of the internet (e.g., peer to peer). I recommend Nester for NES, Gens for Genesis, VisualBoyAdvance for Gameboy Advance (and every other Gameboy for that matter), and ZSNES for Super Nintendo.

ROMs are also trivial to find (albeit illegal), as any torrent site worth its salt will have bundles of them.