Real time strategy games (warcraft 3 etc.) vs other people

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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10 May 2006, 7:55 am

Does anyone here seem to play real time strategy games like Warcraft 3, Total Annihilation and the Command+Conquer series different to others?

While I can do fine in other types of games, my way of going about RTS'es seem to be very different even to some amateurs, biggest example being I can't even seem to kill anything beyond creeps in the DoTA maps commonly played online on Warcraft 3 - then again - most DoTA players are snobs who are more insociable than all of us here :lol:

In particular I seem to be overly conservative when it comes to resources and when to send units into battle...


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10 May 2006, 9:41 am

I haven't played in a while, but I did play differently than my brothers. I had the same problem. I would send a scouting party, and when they came back I would send more troops, but never enough for a decisive victory---which meant that I would inevitably lose. And I always had the hardest time deciding what equipment to build. I wonder why that was...anyway. I am looking forward to purchasing a gaming laptop so I can play again.

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10 May 2006, 2:16 pm

I play WarHammer40K:Dawn of War, and the expansion:winter assault. my strategies are kind of weird too, my mind seems to focus in on one strategy at a time and I get confused or something when I get caught off guard... yeah there's a lot of unsociable elitest as*holes who play DoW too, who only care about ladder position. Maybe the new CnC game will be good, it comes out in '07.


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12 May 2006, 8:07 pm

I like some RTS's. I suck at them, though. I'm more of an adventure gaming dude, really--ah, the genre for the talentless. Achieve any goal in the game simply by looking online for a walkthrough! YAY!

Heh, your screen name makes it seem like you'd be more into certain vampire-themed RPG's, though. (Tremere is a vampire clan in Vampire: The Masquerade, which ya know had two fun-but-very-buggy games based off of it.)


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30 Jul 2006, 8:59 am

I play WOW for a couple of hours about 3 - 5 times a week.. it's really cool.


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31 Jul 2006, 3:58 am

I play a few. One day I might program one too.


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31 Jul 2006, 7:23 am

I like those sort of games, although I can't say I really form any proper strategies while playing them. Most of the time it's just a matter of defending yourself until you're strong enough to kill the enemy. I'm sure those sorts of strategies would get me killed while playing anything other than the computer.


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20 Aug 2006, 3:59 am

One RTS type game that I think some here might enjoy is American Conquest. It's very different from any of the above mentioned games. The pace is much slower, and it is far easier to defend than attack. A big focus of the game - *alot* more than in other RTS games - is in building up your base and resource infrastructure. Unit counts are fantastically high - a small raiding expedition can be in the hundreds, major assaults are in terms of thousands of units (for some of the natives, waves of up to 5 or 6 thousand warriors aren't uncommon).