Who here likes The Elder Scrolls besides me?

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Pileated woodpecker
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30 Sep 2010, 9:10 am

I have III & IV. I am concentrating on IV & my III is collecting dust. I wonder what V will be like? They say that V might be a MMO. I hope not, I like the mods.

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30 Sep 2010, 9:23 am

Personallly, Oblivion was too big or open ended for me. I felt overwhelmed by the lack of general direction. HOw true that is, I don't know, but there wasnt a whole lot available that would mark destinations or whatnot.

Pileated woodpecker
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30 Sep 2010, 9:40 am

I think the openendedness is what I like about it.

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30 Sep 2010, 10:52 am

^^ Yaye greetings freewaydog. I believe that I do indeed enjoy playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, however I am sorry as I am not very skilled. I believe that I have happily completed the main quest, and also the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storylines.

I believe that I played as happy little Wood Elf, with stealth-based skills and also a little to assist me with combat, including Sneak, Alteration, Blade, Marksman, Light Armour, Acrobatics and Security.

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30 Sep 2010, 11:12 am

I found the first-person camera view in III to be frustrating, but I am currently playing IV religiously in my time off. I am playing a blue-haired Breton, Assassin class, Thief birthsign. I have a story for him in my head that I keep in mind as I play. I've finished the Dark Brotherhood, Thieves' Guild, and Mage's Guild questlines. I do not believe my character would join the Fighter's Guild so that will have to wait until I play through again. I have Shadowmere, and I take her on impossible rides through the northern parts of the map, usually at night, and I watch dawn over the scenery. I'm currently trying to finish the Daedric shrines; after that, I may be nearly ready to begin the main quest, which I have not started, and will not start until I'm ready to give it my focus.

Today I am actually doing the Remore Slaughterfish scales quest for the reward that allows me to breathe underwater. It's very tedious (swim around in circles until attacked).

I live in Anvil in Benirus Manor. I also own an unfurnished house in Skingrad. Leyawin is my favorite town; I wish the house for sale there was nicer. I also wish that containers in the game were not respawning; I'd live in other places if it was safe to store my stuff there. I have it for xbox so I cannot reset anything.

I like Destruction magic and stealth attacks with nasty daggers. I wear a Light Armor vest, Boots of the Atronach or Springheel Jak, and breeches. And my amulets and rings (which I alternate depending).

So, yes. I hope V is like IV.

Pileated woodpecker
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30 Sep 2010, 11:23 am

@Tomasu, I am not that skilled easier, that is why I cheat, lol. ;) Yeah, I have 2 characters at the moment, a female nord & a female orc, which I made prettier w/ a mod. The orc is already causing trouble, she played a couple of baddy quest mods, like joining the Blackwood Company, & this other mod called "Return of Shadows", where she gets to be a bad-@$$ shadowknight. Right now, the orc is waiting for "part 2" of the RoS mod. As for the nord, she is just raiding caves, forts, ruins, etc., did 1 or 2 side quests, and doing shrine quests. Not sure if she will do Thieves guild, but she definitely wants to do DB, eventually and there is this Join the Mythic Dawn mod, like an Anti-Main quest, so she can be bad-@ss as well. They both have yet to do Shivering Isles, one for each side. @Chaotik Lord, my nord lives in Benirus manor too, & they both live in a couple of house mods. I have Thieves' Den for both & when they are good & ready, they will get Vile Lair.

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30 Sep 2010, 6:04 pm

I love Oblivion, but I think I like Fallout 3 more. They're both great games though! :D

Pileated woodpecker
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30 Sep 2010, 7:06 pm

I have never tried fallout, must be 'cuz I don't like guns.

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Sea Gull
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30 Sep 2010, 8:42 pm

As much as Oblivion wasn't a bad game... it was a huge let down by Bethesda. It's open ended yes but it has very little explorability. I found myself walking into the same dungeons over and over again with most of them being very pointless. There were too many open fields with nothing to do... and honestly a free roam rpg like that is only as good as it's loot. Everything was level based... you had to gain high levels just to get better stuff but realistically since everything leveled up... your equipment never really did anything but adapt to the level. In Morrowind there was true treasure. It was exciting to start a new game and hunt down relic like weapons and armor... Oblivion... well around level 40 even hobos may start wearing Daedric armor. Honestly on top of that... Morrowind felt like a fantasy world... where as Oblivion felt like a generic medieval place with stone castles, skeletons, and goblins (No creativity whatsoever). I was actually turned off by almost every new addition to the series that oblivion changed or introduced. For example... even enchanted weapons were unwanted. It cost 1 gold per charge... well if it has 20,000 charges for 5 strikes... well do the math... it aint economical. On top of that Oblivion removed way too many spells, weapon types, and skills... to the point where I felt there was less of a custom experience involved. Again... not a bad game, but will never make it anywhere near my top 10 list maybe not even the top 50. Honestly Bethesda put too much time into graphics and skimped out on the actual content. On top of that Oblivion was supposed to be a much more complicated beautiful rpg from watching the documentaries of what it was supposed to be before launch, but it hit a few flaws near release date and Bethesda removed most of the innovations to release the game on time... very lame.

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30 Sep 2010, 8:46 pm

To answer the question of who else likes the Elder Scrolls... I definitely enjoy their backstory and world. Morrowind hits within my top 10 favorite games, but Oblivion felt like a disaster so I'm not so fond of that one. If they make another I will still definitely play it though since the series itself is awesome.


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30 Sep 2010, 10:30 pm

I had a good time doing side quests on IV. My favorite was The Dark Brotherhood/Sisterhood side mission.


Pileated woodpecker
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01 Oct 2010, 5:48 am

Talis wrote:
To answer the question of who else likes the Elder Scrolls... I definitely enjoy their backstory and world. Morrowind hits within my top 10 favorite games, but Oblivion felt like a disaster so I'm not so fond of that one. If they make another I will still definitely play it though since the series itself is awesome.

Everyone seems to like Morrowind better than Oblivion,...I feel Oblivion is better. I thought Morrowind needed a lot of mods to make it fun like w/ the quests & those vanilla hair & faces were hideous! I could not stand to look at them, I needed hair/face mods to play!

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01 Oct 2010, 8:47 am

Eh, reading this I may give Oblivion a second chance. I tried the first time around with an Argothian (Lizardfolk), maybe I'll try some other race.


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01 Oct 2010, 9:31 am

If they'd meld Daggerfall's size and random dungeons, Morrowind's (or, to be fair, the Shivering Isles') interesting setting and Oblivion's graphics I'd be a happy bunny. :)

Instead we'll likely get slightly-better-than-Oblivion graphics, small area (Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3 are tiny), no randomness (it being mostly anathema to mainstream designers these days) and... well, I don't know about the setting. If it's Summerset Isle as rumoured it could be pretty good. We'll see.

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01 Oct 2010, 9:38 am

I enjoyed Oblivion, but had severe issues w/ game crashes and instability. The game became unplayable so I deleted it.

Pileated woodpecker
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01 Oct 2010, 9:51 am

PlatedDrake wrote:
Eh, reading this I may give Oblivion a second chance. I tried the first time around with an Argothian (Lizardfolk), maybe I'll try some other race.

You mean Argonian.

I always know the right thing to say,....AFTER the right time has already passed,.... :(