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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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19 Mar 2011, 4:42 pm

I almost completely stopped playing games because I feel I don't have enough time and it's stressful, etc. I don't know.

But I LOVE watching Sean Plott (Day9) cast games of Starcraft II and talking about it. I'm really good at it but I don't have the APM to play competitively, also the stress. But one of my major forms of entertainment these days is the Day9 daily. Ugh I have no life.

But I'm wondering if anyone else has an addiction to Starcraft? Somethign about the math in it, how it's like a chess game, I find it fascinating.


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19 Mar 2011, 9:38 pm

I like watching day9, his funday mondays are always hilarious.
I havent watched him in a few weeks though :/

:bigsmurf: :bigsmurf:

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Mar 2011, 9:47 pm

I was insane over that game. Having waited 10+ years for the SC II to come out did little to help that.

I spent countless hours researching zerg strategies and practiced using them on the computer until i was destroying it on the really hard setting and then went online with it and proceeded to go undefeated in my qualifying rounds for 2's and 3's. I also went and purchased one of those SC II Razer gaming mouses (which is a pretty sick mouse).

Eventually went from platinum to diamond rank in 2's. I started getting tired of using tried and true unit combos (I only play as zerg online, it's not that I haven't played toss and terran a shedload I just very much prefer zerg) and started trying different things just to make things interesting and ended up dropping to silver (yuck) rank in 3's. I had the keybindings I used so ingrained into my head that I could literally play the game with my monitor turned off.

After a while though I just couldn't handle playing because I was getting so stressed out by it. I found I struggled to maintain the level of APM required of diamond and platinum level playing much after a few matches and took a break in frustration. The game was stressing me out. I take a lot of pride in my playing of this game as I was known amongst my friends as being a huge SC fan. I just couldn't bring myself to play it casually :(

There's nothing for me here.