MagicMike wrote:
Of course; ever since EA bought out Maxis, they've been milking the Sims for all it's worth.
My main problem is the lack of source code; while making custom skins is nice and all, it would truly be awesome if it were possible to rewrite the game's rules; maybe add or remove variables like hunger or body, and maybe create an inventory system so you can carry items for future use. Maybe create weapons, as the Sims Engine looks as if though it could be used for simulating tactical combat. Maybe allow people to move in between residencies/battlefields/etc. One can only play dollhouse for so long...coincidentially, I plan on using my LEGOs for miniature wargaming.
Oh and I completely agree but, I think if you fish around some sites like 'Mod the Sims 2', you will see so much that is becoming possible! People are learning how to edit the animations and figuring out how to hack the game in various ways, but its a slow process. There are some weapons I believe, there is actually a usable pistol on some other site, but you can't go around controlling Sims like some shoot em up game, There are limits. In fact there are some limits that particularly bug me, like in character creation. I can't create truely cartoony, animal-ish, or alien beings, I mean, in such a way that their facial structure is totally unhuman. There is alot you can do like with BodyShop + textures, but.... If I want to have a short adult character with a really wide head and a mouth shape thats larger than the top of the head and really large eyes that BLINK PROPERLY, I can't... And its too bad cause I want to add some cartoony type characters that would go great with these exaggerated animations but I can't actually build them close enough to my picky standards.
There's so much more they could do with this game, or let us do, and I think the expansions aren't taking full advantage and they are too expensive.
By the way, there is already an inventory system starting with NightLife onward.