Interesting read on the Wii.....but not clear to me. :? ... =&preview=
I suggest you read this article about how the Wii will dominate the industry. But one thing that bothers me.....does the editor want the Wii to win, or the others? C'mon. You're not being clear enough. Just say it: you don't want the Wii to win. That's what I believe you are trying to say but you my friend are going in all directions here. You probably believe in X360 and PS3 but are upset that they won't win because they like Nintendo? Agh!
At times I really hate gaming publications for their schizophrenic behavior. They can write something either incredibly smart or dumb, and never anything inbetween. Also, THEY ARE NOT CLEAR!! It's time they change and start to really listen to what gamers are saying, rather than build their own philosophies.
I'm just being myself. Nothing more.