DoubleSPY wrote:
Yep, I have all Penumbra games, and I gotta say that overture gets a little boring I mean once you know you can kill the dog it loses it's interest... until you get to the part with the spiders and rock-worm. Now I know for a fact that Black plague is definitely a game I could play in the dark, at the very beginning the monsters don't seem scary until you get to real part of the shelter then it's bigger and puts more pressure. They should make a second Amnesia and Penumbra, I mean it doesn't even have to star Daniel and Philip(Main characters of the game) It could be about anything as long as that "fear of the unknown" is still used... Well, I guess that's why we have expansions like Requiem and Justine.
I don't know about combining those two games they're too similar. I think they need a new story. I think it'd be cool if they collaborated with the bio shock creators and made one where your an ordinary/sane man trying to save his daughter from the laboratory where they make little sisters. Have the same types of characters as bio shock but interact with them amnesia style aka RUN AWAY. Keep stuff like bio shock hacking in the game, but use penumbra physics puzzles. Now that'd be cool.
Personally though I wish penumbra and amnesia were for Xbox the controls would be easier and there wouldn't be as many errors that lag it like a computer.