Ok, heres the deal:
If you've never watched Tobuscus or his gaming channel on YouTube, go watch one of his gaming videos first please.
I want to do something similar, like playthroughs and video walkthroughs on YouTube.
My problem???
I don't know what I need to get it to show ONLY whats on my screen,, like what Tobuscus does in his gaming vids.I've googled a ton of stuff, and I know I'll need a capture card, but someone on a Yahoo Answers page also mentioned something about a female splitter? and by the looks of the capture cards I've seen so far, I'll need to open up my consoles to hook these things up??? So I'll need at least 7 or more of them(1 for 360, 1 for PS3, 1 for GCN, 1 for original Xbox, 1 for PS2, 1 for DC, 1 for Wii U and Wii(don't currently have a Wii, traded in for a 3DS when Wii U rumors started spreading, because it was my least played system) on the Wii U)
So where can I find capture cards for those systems??? If there are different ones for different systems, I can wait for a bit, but I NEED one for PS3 and 360 soon.
Please help me out here guys!! !
Thanks in advance!! !