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Who is your favorite Team fortress 2 class
Scout 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Soldier 17%  17%  [ 4 ]
Pyro 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Demoman 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
Heavy 8%  8%  [ 2 ]
Engineer 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Medic 21%  21%  [ 5 ]
Sniper 17%  17%  [ 4 ]
Spy 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
I like them all 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 24


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28 Sep 2011, 12:05 pm

I was wondering for those that play team fortress 2, who is your favorite class and who is you least favorite. My favorite as you can tell is the Spy but I also like the sniper, soldier, heavy, and medic. My least favorite is the scout and the pyro.


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29 Sep 2011, 8:27 pm

Also another thing just ignore the I like them all choice, cause really how can you like them all, and unfortunately I can't take that choice off. Sooo yea just ignore that option.


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05 Oct 2011, 7:52 pm

Guys, when you come to this thread could you maybe leave a response cause I'm a little tired of being the only one that posts. Also it's ok to tell why you like the class you voted or if you have more tell why you like that class too.


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05 Oct 2011, 11:08 pm

Medic. I don't play the other classes.


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05 Oct 2011, 11:24 pm

Demoman. Mostly because when I learned to play TF1 I was on a slow modem and a slow computer, which made accuracy impossible. I got good at predicting enemy players' movements.


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05 Oct 2011, 11:27 pm

Most people have voted for medic. Yeah I know he was the only class I would play when I first started playing with other people. I still like him though plus his quotes are really funny next to scout's and sniper's.

"Papers please" "Where are your precious papers now Doonkaughs" "My skill is feested on this team" "The spy is a double agent"
Hahaha... oh man those are really funny.

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06 Oct 2011, 12:56 pm

I love TF2, but people claim it's a Casual FPS game. But I disagree. Certain matches are intense but I don't get as mad as I do while playing that as I do with CoD since all the classes are actually balanced.

My brother and I used to have a TF2 Server, but had to shut it down due to lack of funds.

But we actually recorded some really good stuff with our Steam Group xD

Edit: Oh right, I love the Sniper and Pyro classes.

*Diagnosed with Severe ADHD when I was a kid.
*Cousin has Aspergers
*A newly found friend does too


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08 Oct 2011, 11:21 pm

My new most favorite is heavy. I still like spy though it's just I love some of heavy's domination quotes and his personality. Also engineer he has good domination lines too.

another reason why heavy is #1


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24 Oct 2011, 1:29 pm

Demoman. Nothing like going into the other team's base and spawn-camping with stickybombs. Nothing like charging guys with a shield and the Eyelander, Claidheamh Mòr, Nessie's Nine Iron, or the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.


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24 Oct 2011, 2:54 pm

Demoman for sure these days. Mainly because I've gotten a lot better at getting direct hits with the pipe-bomb launcher, and Splendid Screen + Persian Pursuader is just darned fun.

After that, it depends, but I tend to play Engy and Heavy the most, sometimes pyro and soldier, rarely the other classes. I used to like sniper a lot but frankly in TF2 its pretty hard on most maps, except for 2Fort, and usually you aren't really helping your team that much. Back in the TFC days there were lots of good maps to play sniper on, 2Fort, Well, and Avanti in particular.

Spy's drive me nuts, especially with the dead ringer.

I do miss many aspects of TFC that are gone from TF2 - grenades, and medic infections in particular.


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24 Oct 2011, 3:06 pm

ScrewyWabbit wrote:
I do miss many aspects of TFC that are gone from TF2 - grenades, and medic infections in particular.

Same here. I played a lot of MegaTF, and I miss the ammo-robbing packs, spike traps, mag mines, proximity mines, and the rest. A lot of people seemed to think Mega was cheesy, but I thought it was more interesting because you could plan more elaborate strategies (especially when playing defense).