What is your favorite vehicle from a car combat game?

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24 Jul 2011, 6:32 pm

So then what is your favorite car combat vehicle and from what game is it?
My best one are...
Super slam/Mr slam(the front end loader construction vehicle)from twisted metal games
Convoy's big rig truck from vilgilante 8 games
General wartohg's world war 1 tank from twisted metal 4
And... the school bus from vilgilante 8
Aslo the police cars from most car combat/twisted metal games
Those are a lot of fun!


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30 Jul 2011, 2:22 am

Minion from Twisted Metal Black was pretty fun, though I'd really only use him in one player. He's that character where you feel like a jerk if you use him against your friends.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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03 Aug 2011, 4:19 am

If you can include vehicles from other game types what about the Warthog from the halo game series by bungie.


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03 Aug 2011, 10:15 am

The Hawk/Eagle from Carmageddon.

I find myself ignoring all of the captured cars because I don't like them as much.

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...