Todesking wrote:
I can't stand all the feats and little powers you get in fourth edition it seems like a video game more than a RPG. Its a crutch for gamers with a lack of intelligence and tactics. I would love to run an old school 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I ran a lot Twilight 2000, Cyberpunk 2020, and Paranoia. Man do I mis those games.

I don't know - I really like fourth edition and I think it offers some rather clear and easy to understand gameplay, and manages to balance the classes better than previous editions. I don't think it's a "crutch" at all (and why are crutches bad things, anyway? Crutches improve people's mobility when they can't otherwise. Is it just better for them to sit down and never go anywhere?) nor does it have anything to do with intelligence and tactics.
I've played AD&D1, AD&D2, D&D Cyclopedia, D&D3, D&D3.5, Cyberpunk's first edition, Cyberpunk, all of the World of Darkness games, Exalted, Champions, GURPS, Mutants & Masterminds, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Mechwarrior, two different versions of Star Trek RPGs. yeah, I'll play many things, and I really like tabletop RPGs. I don't have a strict system that I think is better than all others, but there are some I distinctly enjoy less than others.