SyphonFilter wrote:
I played the 360 demo. I like it. Now, if Sega would just make Streets of Rage 4...
i played the ps3 demo, as well and i'm changing my mind, i'm saving my money for elder scrolls 5, the modern sonic part is decent i don't like switching rails with the analog stick so much but better then classic by far.
classic plays exactly like the genesis, sonic has a hard time stopping, is more floaty then kirby. he doesn't jump high enough, enemies show up out of blue to nuke you at random. platforming is frustrating as hell. and omochao is in the damn game oh hell, shoot me now.
and the 2d sonic fans wanted sonic to play like this again, this confuses me like hell.
modern sonic is fast fluid and more well designed. if the game was just the modern gameplay i would snatch this in a heartbeat but classic is horrible. to bad because the villian looks awesome and metal sonic is in there as well. but classic gameplay kills the game for me.
at least homing attack is on the same button as jump unlike unleashed, and locking on is better. then adventure 2, and i don't care what anyone says homing attack is the best ability sonic has that you can use. to bad his other break neck moves that he uses are only in cutscenes.
but something confuses me about this game, it was said in back to the future. that time would utterly collapse if a person encounters their past self, or future self. shouldn't sonic running into his past self collapse time and cause a paradox? when it comes to things regarding time travel i always use back to the future as a ref.
"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III