HazelEye wrote:
rombomb2 wrote:
HazelEye wrote:
rombomb2 wrote:
HazelEye wrote:
snapcap wrote:
0 for physical development.
Also, this is some article trying to validate the existence of video games isn't it?
Huh? Are you saying they don't exist? Or that they aren't good for neural development?
I'm trying to say they aren't good for anything.
Do you play games?
Some of the greatest thinkers alive today disagree with you.
_The Beginning of Infinity_, by David Deutsch, a physicist and philosopher, made strong arguments for games.
_Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain_, by David Eagleman, a Cognitive Neuroscientist and philosopher, made strong arguments for games.
Would you like to provide some counter arguments to their arguments for games?
Yes, I play video games, yes I know I'm a hypocrite.
I've never heard of either of them so that was pointless, never once met a videogame player who was smart.
Hmm. I wasn't going to suggest that you are or are not a hypocrite.
-- Why did you mention this?
Are you saying that because you've never met person A, that person A can't exist?
-- If yes, how many people do you know? Now divide that by 6,000,000,000. What percentage is that?
-- If no, what did you mean instead?
My mentioning David Deutsch and David Eagleman was pointless? Why? Are you suggesting that I should have known that you didn't know them?
-- If yes, did you think I'm so smart that could read your mind? I'm not that smart.
-- If no, what did you mean instead?