Zokk wrote:
kxmode wrote:
playing something that is rife with occult themes basically gives demons carte blanche to do things to your mind. As a result you will feel things like you describe. You may also feel intense hatred, depression, or suicidal thoughts; feelings that don't make sense. Or you might even go to the extreme and desire to kill people. Basically a video game like Skyrim is the same as a ouija board.
Warning: Borderline troll-post to follow.
What? Seriously? That's the biggest load of BS I've come across all year, I think. Demons affecting your mind just because you play a game with some occult themes in it? Give me a break. And I suppose the whole
Bloody Mary thing is real, too, then right?

End troll-post.
As for the fear, I don't have it myself at all, but I figure it's a combination of agoraphobia coupled with the game's ambiance. Bethesda's good at setting a mood with ambient sounds and music, and Skyrim's no exception.
Kxmode is wrong, you called him on it.
Anyhoo, Skyrim is
not rife with occult themes. I've encountered only one significant reference to real-world occult stuff (Boethiah goes all
do-what-thou-wilt, and you'll only hit that one if you've committed your character to behaving in a thoroughly unpleasant fashion for points and prizes *ahem* like I did) Skyrim is rife with references to real-world but utterly non-occult mythology like the draugr, it's rife with formulaic RPG-standard pseudo-magic* and it's positively
infested with references to GRRM's canon and a hundred other pop-culture fantasies... but it ain't big on the occult.
The only game that's seriously affected my composure (apart from the occasional fit of screaming rage) is EvE, because there's some very tense moments (like completely different to any other online PvP I've tried) when trying to avoid angry gangs with big death-rays while zooming from dull featureless expanse A to dull featureless expanse B desperately searching for something interesting to look at.
*"Are these magic cloaks?" asked Pippin, looking at them with wonder.
"I do not know what you mean by that. They are fair garments... oh, heck, who am I trying to kid. Yeah, they're cloaks of +15 to Sneak, dude.
Magic." said the Elf.
(Mind you, I've got suspicions about that Tolkien guy. I heard he belonged to a worryingly widespread death-cult which practised ritual vampirism and cannibalism of an undead God every Sundas, and that he sneaked references to it into his books.

No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.