Not sure if this idea has been brought up in the past, if it has then I apologize for being a pest...>.<'
But I've been downloading free-to-play massively multiplayer online role play games like crazy recently and I haven't had much luck in communicating with other players on any of them--mostly out of shyness
--and while thinking about ways to make ingame buddies earlier an idea struck me!
Why not form a guild for any MMO fans from WrongPlanet made specifically for aspies or those that fall somewhere within the aspie spectrum?
We wouldn't have a hard time communicating since we'd most likely all be into similar things, and I feel it would help me learn some very valuable social skills! I don't know, maybe I'm just being ubber dorky but I think it would be really awesome to have an all aspie guild/clan somewhere! Though I'm not sure about the guild's name, I wa hoping to use something along the lines of "Misfits" or "LookingGlass" or something aspie related...or we could simply call the guild "WrongPlanet" to spread awareness for WP...?
If anyone's interested, the games I currently have downloaded on my PC are as follows:
Zu Online* (gender locked, no archer class, dragon ball style, really fun!)
World of Kung Fu* (most enjoyable to me so far...<3)
ArchLord (nice controls, but something seems to be missing...o.O)
Ether Saga (Quest Based and a bit repetitive)
Q-World (Ether Saga's evil and not-so-popular twin)
Dragonica (3D Sidescroller rip off of MapleStory... very cute though)
Florensia (no archer class, rude forum community, few guides, lovely graphics, nice controls)
Fiesta Online (annoying camera angles, good controls, cute anime style)
Perfect World International (Quest based, no autotarget button, pretty graphics)
I haven't quite decided which one to devote my spare time to just yet since they're all fun to play, but I'm most into WOKFU, and Zu due to their flexible keyboard controls and all around coolness! I'm open to suggestions though, if there are better f2p mmorpgs than those above--I have played TONS of mmorpgs!
...So if anyone's interested in my idea please post some feedback here! Thanks a bunch~ =^.^=
Last edited by SakuraKino on 12 Aug 2009, 1:56 pm, edited 5 times in total.