I'm curious to know who all here like or have an interest in Kirby, or to hear any alternative thoughts on the series. Personally I've enjoyed it quite a bit, though I have not played too many. Started with Kirby 64 for the N64, and have gone back through some of the older ones since. If I had the money, I would probably go out and get Return to Dream Land, but without a job I'm settling on watching a playthrough of it for now.
While incredibly light hearted, perhaps even more so than the likes of Mario or Sonic or any of your other average family friendly mascots, I've still been able to enjoy its artistic merits on the level of games like Ico or Shadow of the Colossus or Killer7, just to name a few. The music, atmosphere, general art style, cutscenes, etc. in each of the games I've played have all been great. Actually, although I'd been drawing long before then, I think that watching the credits of Kirby 64, with all the enemy designs shown in sketches, had a significant impact on how hard I've tried to become better at it.
Not to say that the series is without fault. The games are usually quite easy, but then I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing depending on what you really want out of a game. Another issue I have is controls. Playing Super Star and Dream Land 3 with the Wii's Classic controller seems very confusing, and though I can get by, there are times I do accidentally do one action or another because they really aren't intuitive.
Still, pretty small prices to pay for what has been one of the series I've enjoyed more, next to Metroid and Zelda. What do you guys think?
About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or
just walking dully along...