I got mine the other day, it's not a bad little system, and the screen is even better than I imagined, on certain games (wipeout 2048) in particular the graphics are very good. The system is comfortable to hold, the analog sticks are of much greater comfort/ usability than the slider on the 3ds. One thing that annoys me about the system is the way some of the games use the touch screen controls. In certain wituations it is very practical and a better way of doing things, but some of the games I've played for it, they unnecessarily try to shoehorn them in. For instance in uncharted, you have to draw along lines that pop up pn the screen in order to cut stuff with a machete. It just isn't fun. That's one of my biggest peeves in the gaming industry, sometimes instead of working on just delivering a quality, fun game, developers want to reinvent the wheel. I'm all for originality where it counts, but dont throw in touch controls etc where it makes no sense to do so.
Aside from that however, it's quite a good little system and theres already a few good (good not great) titles for it with some great ones in the pipeline for the near future. I had a 3DS for a while but I just couldn't get used to it. It didn't really matter to me how good the games were because I hated the system itself.The screens were too small, the physical build of the system felt cheap, it cramped my hands to use it, and I absolutely hate using a stylus. Thankfully the vita doesn't do any of those things. I just hope that most developers will have the common sense to only use the alternative conteol methods in a meaningful way, or at very leadt make them optional. If they do that then I can see the vita doing quite well.