ZX SpectrumDisorder wrote:
IS IT £17.99 YET M8?
LOL, I obtained Shinobi on 3DS this way.
Boxman108 wrote:
Being jobless, it is for me right now. Back when I had a job, I could spend whole paychecks on whatever I wanted since I'm still living with my parents anyway. Not sure how I'd feel about it if I was on my own. I figure they really cut it as close as they can, considering there's now stuff like DLC and other solely virtual media being sold that does not cost as much to distribute. Either way, people can put whatever price they want on unnecessary entertainment and it's up to the individual customer to decide whether it's worth the money.
That said, I'm not going to be supporting any company or developer that goes along with the idea that the used game market is evil.
SEGA are your best bet then, they always reduce their games to the £20 sub price a month after release! They seem happy to do it too. Binary Domain (a game they released only 3 days ago), is ALREADY £26 on the 360 on Amazon!
They way they do it I think is the fans who'll buy their stuff day one pay the usual price and the people who are interested but unsure pay for the game as the price drops.
They seem to have this mindset correct unlike the rest of the developers anyway.